Grade: NOB
Vacancy no.: DC/ADDIS ABABA/NO/2024/03
Publication date: 02 April 2024
Application deadline (midnight local time): 01 May 2024
Job ID: 11770
Department: RO-Africa
Organization Unit: CO-Addis Ababa
Location: Addis Ababa
Contract type: Fixed Term
Contract duration: 1 Year with possible extension
Under article 4.2, paragraph (e) of the Staff Regulations, the filling of vacancies in technical cooperation projects does not fall under Annex I of the Staff Regulations and is made by direct selection by the Director-General.
In order to support the best informed process in the filling of the above-mentioned vacancy by direct selection, the ILO invites interested candidates to submit their application online by the above date.
The following are eligible to apply:
*The recruitment process for National Officer positions is subject to specific local recruitment and eligibility criteria.
The ILO values diversity among its staff and welcomes applications from qualified female candidates. We also encourage applicants with disabilities. If you are unable to complete our online application form due to a disability, please send an email to
Technical cooperation appointments are not expected to lead to a career in the ILO and they do not carry any expectation of renewal or conversion to any other type of appointment in the Organization. A one-year fixed-term contract will be given. Extensions of technical cooperation contracts are subject to various elements including the following: availability of funds, continuing need of the functions and satisfactory conduct and performance.
*Conditions of employment for external candidates: In conformity with existing ILO practice, the appointment of an external candidate will normally be made at the first step of this grade.
The National Project Coordinator (NPC) will coordinate the implementation of the following two complementary programmes namely, 1) Advancing Decent Work and Inclusive Industrialization (ONEILO Siraye Programme) focusing on SCORE Ethiopia and wage components 2) Setting adequate wages: a focus on agriculture (SAW-A), that focus on improving productivity and supporting wage-setting mechanisms in Ethiopia. The programmes are aligned to the national development framework, Home Grown Economic Reform (HEGR), that outlines improving productivity and working conditions by promoting and nurturing sound labour relations practices and stakeholder dialogue.
Advancing Decent Work and Inclusive Industrialization (ONEILO Siraye Programme)
Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Ethiopia is one of the components of the Advancing Decent Work and Inclusive Industrialization in Ethiopia (ONEILO SIRAYE) Program. SCORE Ethiopia aims to improve the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises at all stages of development in tandem with improving working conditions, social dialogue, and wages.
The SCORE interventions were initially piloted in the textile and garment sector, followed by the expansion of the interventions into other sectors and sectors that create opportunities for industrialization, job creation, and inclusive economic growth. This will be achieved through interventions at factory, sectoral and national levels to improve worker wellbeing, increase income and achieve higher industry productivity and competitiveness.
SCORE Ethiopia deliver service at the enterprise level by engaging national trainers and implementation partners through Training of Trainers (ToT), followed by practical implementation of the ToT knowledge through Training of Enterprises (ToE), supports businesses to increase their productivity, competitiveness and working conditions on sustainable manner. SCORE intervention takes into consideration equal participation of men and women in the workplace (gender equality), inclusiveness and reduction of negative impacts of business operations on the environment.
SCORE is one of the components of Advancing Decent Work and Inclusive Industrialization in Ethiopia (ONEILO SIRAYE) programme that brings together ILO’s key technical departments and programmes such as BetterWork, Vision Zero Fund, SCORE, LABADMIN and INWORK to strengthen factory level action, build labour inspectorate capacity, improve working conditions, wage setting mechanism, promote sound industrial relations and, ultimately, provide a blueprint for the rollout of decent work practices at the enterprise, sectoral and national levels.
Setting adequate wages: a focus on agriculture (SAW-A)
SAW-A project promotes the setting of adequate wages in agriculture through statutory minimum wages and/or collective bargaining as a means to enable decent living standards for workers and their families, while at the same time ensuring the sustainability of enterprises which create the jobs for these workers. As many workers in agriculture are independent workers, the project also seeks to explore how interventions on different economic factors, including measures to increase productivity, might be combined to raise their labour incomes.
Wage-setting mechanisms and institutions are weak in Ethiopia. The government has not yet adopted a national minimum wage and collective agreements are rare. The capacities of the constituents must be built and strengthen in the domain. The project will accompany this process through studies, training and awareness initiatives.
Low productivity is also one important reason why wages and labour incomes are often low in agriculture. This is particularly the case in the informal economy, where the vast majority of enterprises are micro and small units, and where productivity is on average much lower than in the formal economy. A high incidence of informality also represents one of the most significant challenges to productivity growth. Hence, the project strategy will go beyond the realm of wage-setting mechanisms alone and include consideration of economic factors, such as measures to raise productivity. The project seeks to identify macroeconomic factors and institutions that enable sustainable wage and/or labour income growth and supports measures to raise productivity among enterprises and independent workers in the agricultural supply chains. The project also explores how demand for more sustainable products or trading practices can be a lever for higher wages and labour incomes in producing countries.
Under the guidance of the Director of the ILO Country Office and ONEILO Siraye Programme CTA, the National Project Coordinator (NPC) will establish and maintain working relationships with concerned government representatives and offices, employers’ associations and workers’ organizations, and key project stakeholders.
The NPC will be based in the ILO Country Office in Addis Ababa. S/he will work under the direct supervision of the Siraye Programme CTA and will receive guidance from wage and social dialogue specialists in Cairo and the Technical backstopping of SCORE Global.