For the past 30 years, international NGO Acted has been going the last mile to save lives. Currently, Acted supports 20 million people across 43 countries to meet their needs in hard-to-reach areas – and pursues a triple mandate as a humanitarian, environmental and development aid actor. Acted relies on an in-depth knowledge of local territories and contexts to develop and implement relevant long-term actions, with a wide range of local and international partners, building together a “3ZERO” world: Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty

ACTED Moldova

As of February 24th, 2022, Acted deployed an emergency team in Moldova to support people who were affected by the conflict in Ukraine and had to cross the border.

Since then, Acted Moldova has developed to support all the most vulnerable and marginalized population of the country (refugees, stateless and Moldovan).

As UNHCR main implementing partner Acted is still in charge of:

Familiarity with the project cycle;Excellent writing and communication skills;Ability to work efficiently under pressure and to manage multiple tasks;Good team spirit and ability to work with diverse profiles.

Terms of reference For more information about the position, click here .


Status: volunteer

300 USD per month living allowanceCoverage of all accommodation, guesthouse, food, and travel costs, a luggage allowance of 50 kgThe provision of medical, repatriation, and life insurance.One week pre-departure training in Acted HQ, including a 4-days in situ security trainingPsychological assistance

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