Mission and objectivesUNDP is a global knowledge network that promotes human development and connects countries with knowledge, experiences and resources to help people build better lives. UNDP has supported Djibouti since 1979 in its solutions to development challenges and capacity building that will help them achieve the goals of sustainable development. In line with the Djibouti National Development Strategy, the UNDAF and the UNDP Strategic Plan, we are committed to supporting the Government and people of Djibouti.

ContextThe assignment aims to support the UNDP in Djibouti country office’s visibility through the production of a quality report highlighting its 2024 results and achievements. The document will be shared with a wide audience, made particularly of partners and national counterparts. It will also be published online. It has to be well appealing, colorful, and easy to read by any type of audience.

Task DescriptionWe are looking for 1 Online Volunteer/s who under the guidance of the Coordination and Partnership Specialist to support us by producing the graphic design for the UNDP Djibouti 2024 annual report in French and in English. In particular, the/each Online Volunteer is asked to: - Create draft design based on requirements, information given, and discuss with focal point/ communications team; - Develop the design according to agreed requirements and based on comments and suggestions from the focal point/ communications team. The design/layout should follow our corporate design guidelines which will be shared with the Online Volunteers in advance. The Online Volunteer/s will have the opportunity to build connections with the focal point/ communications team at UNDP Djibouti and learn about the ways in which graphic design can support the publication of the country office annual report. The final delevery is a visually appealing annual report.

Competencies and values

Living conditions and remarks

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