Grado: NOB

Número de la vacante: CIUDAD DE MÉXICO/TC/NOB/145-24
Fecha de publicación: 22 octubre 2024
Fecha de cierre (medianoche hora de Ginebra): 5 noviembre 2024

Job ID: 12490

Departamento: OR–América Latina y el Caribe

Unidad: OP-México

Lugar de destino: Ciudad de México

Tipo de contrato: Duración determinada

- Este anuncio está dirigido al público con nacionalidad o residencia en México.

Pueden participar:

- Los candidatos externos.

- Los candidatos internos, con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el Estatuto del Personal.

- Los nombramientos efectuados con contrato de cooperación para el desarrollo no confieren expectativas de carrera en la OIT, una renovación automática de contrato, ni la conversión de éste con miras a una contratación de distinta índole en la Organización. Un año de contrato a plazo fijo será otorgado. Además, la prórroga de los contratos de cooperación para el desarrollo queda subordinada a varias condiciones incluyendo: la disponibilidad de fondos y la continua necesidad de las funciones ejercidas, además de un desempeño y una conducta satisfactorios.

Este puesto está sujeto a disponibilidad de fondos.


The International Labour Organization (ILO) implements the Project “Building a Comprehensive Government Approach to Combating Child Labor and Forced Labor in Mexico” (2022-2026), a US$ 13,000,000 effort that works to address child labor and forced labor in the migration context at the federal, state and local level with specific and direct interventions in the Southern states of Chiapas, Yucatán, and Quintana Roo, as well as regional interventions that include Belize, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. The project also contributes to the US Government´s efforts to address the root causes of irregular migration and strengthen migration management in Mexico and Central America.

sección optativa

By doing this, the Project supports Mexico to advance its commitments as an Alliance 8.7 Pathfinder Country aiming to by accelerate actions to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Target 8.7 that calls for countries to 8.7 Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms. The Alliance 8.7 is an inclusive global partnership initiative launched during the UN General Assembly in September 2016. Its main objective is to assist all UN member states and other partners in their efforts to achieve SDG Target 8.7. As an Alliance 8.7 Pathfinder country, and with the contributions of the three orders of government (executive, legislative, and judicial), Mexico has adopted a Road Map that establishes 10 priority actions to eradicate child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. The project provides support to implement the Road Map. Mexico is also member and co-chair of the advisory board of the Global

Initiative for Fair Recruitment that aims, amongst others, to prevent forced labor. The project will support Mexico to promote Fair Recruitment practices nationally. Moreover, the project will strengthen Mexico´s role in the Regional Initiative for Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour (RILAC), a regional platform that coordinates closely with Alliance 8.7. To date, the RILAC has showed significant results in the region, including the creation of a South-South and Triangular Cooperation mechanism and the development and implementation of the Child Labor Risk Identification Model (CLRISK). The RILAC has represented an important platform to foster partnerships, innovation, coordination and mutual cooperation, and has prioritised migration related to child labor in their strategic planning for 2022-2025.

Reporting lines

The Forced Labor and Migration Official will report to the Director of ILO Country Office for Mexico and Cuba and to the Project Coordinator based in Mexico and will receive technical guidance and supervision from FUNDAMENTALS/MIGRANT through the Labour Migration specialist based in Brasilia and San José and specialists in Geneva.

The Forced Labor and Migration Officer will also oversee the work of consultants hired during the course of the project

Descripción de tareas

Work in close collaboration with the Project Coordinator and the rest of the project team in Mexico, to design and review the work plans of the project. Review, verify, and analyze work plans, progress reports, and final reports, and other data for clarity, consistency, and completeness, and monitor the progress of project activities. Follow up on delayed documents, clarify information, and answer questions about clearance and processing requirements to support the successful completion of agreed activities Actively participate in national and local coordination spaces on forced labour and migration, for example, the national coalition on trafficking, to contribute to the maintenance and strengthening of effective cooperation relations with key national and State level counterparts (governmental and civil society), and other international organizations involved, and to explore synergies and avoid duplication of actions;; provide technical assistance on forced labor prevention and eradication to key actors. Ensure the programming and control of project resources; prepare budget estimates and expenditure projections by analyzing and monitoring the status of resources against planned activities and make recommendations for corrective action. Identify problems, propose solutions and actions. Follow up on the products developed by external consultants and other entities contracted under the project, in accordance with the standards established by the ILO. Exchange of experiences with El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize in coordination with the National Official on Child Labour, and through the exchange of information with ILO Specialists

Monitor and systematize the impact on results of the activities carried out in Mexico. Coordinate and systematize the information of the technical assistance to the regional and national counterparts, through the follow-up of their reports of activities, products, and results in the matters of the scope of the project for its national and subregional articulation Prepare terms of reference for research and hiring of consultants foreseen in the Project and coordinate with them for the follow-up of their products. Prepare, coordinate and participate in the organization and development of conferences, seminars, workshops, training sessions and technical meetings in the field of the project that are requested. Carry out, when requested, missions to assist the counterpart institutions of the Federal Entities in the scope of the project. Prepare detailed reports on each activity, as well as on each mission, which must be sent to the ILO Office in Mexico. Periodically report, monitor and facilitate the evaluation of all project’s components according to the project’s document and work plan. Prepare required technical progress reports and ad hoc reports on the status of project planning and implementation for submission to the ILO and the donor. Any other duties requested by the Director of the ILO Country Office for Mexico and Cuba.

Qualifications requirements


University degree in the field of social sciences, international relations, human rights, development, economy, or other relevant fields


Minimum of three years of experience in migration and forced labour prevention and eradication activities.

Experience advising and working with Government and other key actors on forced labour issues, (labour) migration, specifically child migration and worst forms of child labour will be considered as an advantage.

Experience in workwithnational, regional, and local governments to improve migration, child labour , force labor policy, strategic planning, action plan development, and incorporation of force labour issues into social protection programs will be considered as an advantage


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