Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based)A (least hardship)
Family Type (not applicable for home-based)
Staff Member / Affiliate TypeCONS International
Target Start Date2024-06-01
Job Posting End DateMay 17, 2024
Terms of ReferenceDuration of consultancy: 1 month
Location: Home based
Total consultancy fee: USD 4,000
Payment schedule: 100% at the end of the consultancy.
General Background of Project or Assignment:
Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the government of the Republic of Moldova has supported in providing shelter to refugees, opening Refugee accommodation centres (RACs) along the country accredited by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MLSP). The Basic Needs working group (BN WG) has been supporting to the government for the functioning of these centres.
However, after one year of the emergency, MLSP and Basic Needs WG partners have identified some challenges in the management of the centres and the protection oversight of the refugees accommodated there, in particular attention to understand the role and responsibilities of managing a collective center, what are the humanitarian standards and the protection principles.
Hence, the BNWG partners in response to these needs brought together experienced partners and conduct a learning needs assessment (LNA) in June 2023 through multiple key informant interviews (KIIs) and a survey among site managers in 35 RACs in the country. The key findings of the survey showed that there is a need for systematic and holistic capacity building of national staff, not only limited to site management personnel but that transfer of knowledge is ensured for social assistance workers and other personnel in charge for administration and management of these collective centres.
UNHCR, in collaboration with IOM, ACTED, Danish Refugee Council, and CNPAC under the umbrella of Basic Needs Working Group (WG) in Moldova, intends to cover this gap and empower national site management resources by launching an initiative of tailored capacity building activities in 2024.
Occupational Safety and Health Considerations:
To view occupational safety and health considerations for specific duty stations, please visit this link: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel
Specific Occupational Safety and Health Considerations to this assignment (if applicable): N/A
Overall Purpose and Scope of Assignment:
The purpose of the consultancy is to review and adjust the training material that comprises the main concepts and key messages on site management and protection awareness. The four organizations, ACTED, DRC, IOM, WFP, UNICEF and UNHCR identified 10 key modules that should contain this training based on the findings from the survey and other reference documents globally used in site management and protection. The modules are:
Introduction to the site management
Coordination and monitoring of services
Site management tools to operate collective centers
Child protection in collective centres
Mitigation of GBV cases in collective centres
Community engagement in collective centres
Protection principles in collective centres
PSEA in collective centres
Prevention of burn out and self-coping techniques for staff and social workers in collective centers
Food provision in collective centers
Partners provided the content and activities for the modules, UNHCR will organize the available materials and share with the consultant.
The consultant will ensure that the content material available is comprehensive and harmonized, if necessary, will contact the BN WG partners to clarify and include missing the content and tools in the modules. The consultant will verify that the content complies with global standards for site management and protection. This document is the milestone for development of a toolbox and a handbook on ‘Site management and protection awareness in collective sites’ for Moldova, so it must be comprehensive, including the section of introduction, methodology, objectives, use of the handbook, outline and format of each module.
The training material will be the tool to prepare a Training of Trainers (ToT) and subsequently to train the social assistance workers and other personnel in charge for administration and management of these collective centres. The ToT will have a duration of 4 days, while the trainings for the rest of participants will be facilitated in 3 stages (three months), each stage with a duration of 3 days.
Toolbox for the Trainings:
For the preparation of the toolbox, the consultant will engage and communicate with the key participating actors to better understand the context and develop a toolbox that is user-friendly and promoted a dynamic environment during the 4 days training. (remark: key participating actors are members of the capacity development group, UNHCR senior management team, representatives of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection)
The toolbox will contain:
One training guide for the trainer that explains the content of the toolbox, how to use the material, the number of modules, the duration of each module, list of the tools, activities, and all relevant information to prepare the trainer.
One handbook “Site Management and protection awareness of Collective Centres in Moldova” presented in two formats, the first will content all the information needed for facilitating a training (modules, tools, activities) and the second will be the relevant content for the participants. The handbook for the trainer will be in an A4 format and the handbook for the participant in an A5 format.
One comprehensive module will explain the principles and methods of adult learning, effective communication for the interaction with trainees and how to use the training material through simulations of real-life scenarios. This module will be an additional module attached to the handbook for the facilitator. Key messages of adult learning will and effective communication will be included in the training guide.
Powerpoint presentations of each module (10 modules + 1 module on adult learning). All the training modules will take into account adult learning principles, interaction with trainees and simulations of real-life scenarios.
Tools: all the tools that will be use during the module session will be properly documented, listed per module and activity, and digitally organized. If some tools need to be printed this will also be indicated (format, quantity, etc.).
Templates for the preparation of the ToT: letter to confirm the participation, agenda for the training sessions, certificate of completion of the training, call for application for the ToT, evaluation mechanism for the ToT and for each module session, etc.
Any additional relevant content to have a comprehensive toolbox for the ToT.
All the material developed for the toolbox will be harmonized with a graphic design, the consultant needs to consider this relevant point at the moment of the creation of all the expected outputs. The content needs to be aligned to the Inter-agency branding principles.
The consultant is expected to present the digital draft (format A4 for ToT training guide and A5 for participants) of the Handbook to the key participant actors by the second week of the consultancy, allowing the Working Group members to provide any feedback and have the final product by the end of the consultancy ensuring that the structure of the handbook is harmonized and actors are informed how the content will be displayed.
Expected output:
Developed ToT training guide
Toolbox (Annexes to ToT training guide): PPT presentation, tools and templates and description contained in the section above
Handbook (A4) for trainers
Handbook (A5) for participants
The consultant will follow the timeline and workplan agreed with UNHCR and work close with the organizations part of this training process to collect all the necessary material, information, data required, focal points.
Required level, qualifications and work experience:
At least 5 (five) years of experience in creating training materials for humanitarian operations within a multi-sectorial approach, editing, and proof-reading skills.
Excellent understanding of the global humanitarian standards and policies – familiarity with IASC guidelines, global protection and site management standards.
Experience in strengthen capacities to humanitarian actors, government institutions in site management and protection related topics in collective centers in an urban context
At least 3 (three) ToT trainings designed for various humanitarian settings,
Experience in content layout,
Good communicational skills,
Excellent English writing and speaking skills,
Ability to deliver projects in line with the agreed timeframe and attention to details
Work Experience
Other informationThis position doesn't require a functional clearance