Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based)A (least hardship)

Family Type (not applicable for home-based)


Staff Member / Affiliate TypeCONS International

Target Start Date2025-02-01

Deadline for ApplicationsJanuary 15, 2025

Terms of ReferenceIn December 2024, Latin American and Caribbean states, with the support of all-of-society approach involving refugee led organizations, civil society, the academia, municipalities and local governments, private sector, UN agencies and International Financial Institutions, adopted the Chile Plan of Action 2024-2034 (PAC), encompassing 100 recommended actions for the protection and solution of displaced and stateless populations in the region. The PAC has three chapters dedicated to protection in the context of mixed flows, new opportunities for inclusion, integration and solutions and protection for disaster displacement.

The PAC also references alignment with existing sub-regional and regional processes and a chapter that creates a Follow up Mechanism, calling UNHCR to support as Technical Secretariat. The Follow up Mechanism is tight to the GRF/HLOM cycles and aims at fining coherence and synergies with the pledges made at the GRF. Chile will lead the Follow up Mechanism for the next decade, with the support of another Latin American and Caribbean state on a voluntary basis. Periodic meetings will be organized ahead of the GRF or HLOM to update on the implementation of the PAC, starting in June 2025.

The PAC additionally invites Refugee Led Organizations (GARLOS), Civil Society and the Academia to form a Follow up Coalition, bringing the perspective of relevant actors from the society that could improve the reporting and updating of priority actions within the PAC. A Network of Solidarity Enterprises is also created to foster private sector engagement for the provision of solutions to the displaced. The program Cities of Solidarity is also renewed withing the PAC. All these networks would help guiding the implementation of the PAC.

The PAC also creates a Support Platform for donor and cooperating countries, financial entities, and the United Nations System to contribute technically and financially to the implementation of priority actions. This Support Platform will accompany as well as the implementation of pledges made by the region at the GRF that are aligned with the PAC.

Lastly, the PAC mandates UNHCR to draft the Memories of the Cartagena+40 Process in the first half of 2025. UNHCR is therefore called to provide organizational, coordination, technical advice and support for the various aspect of the implementation of this landmark roadmap that is the PAC.
In sum, UNHCR’s role as a technical secretariat for the PAC is crucial for providing the necessary guidance, coordination, and support to ensure that countries in the Americas can effectively manage migration flows, protect refugees, and support the sustainable integration of displaced populations into their societies

As part of the Americas Bureau team, under the supervision of the Senior Liaison Advisor for the Americas and other Americas Bureau Senior Members and in coordination with the Chilean Government, the Consultant would assist with organizing all aspects of the Follow up Mechanism of the Chile Plan of Action, and in particular:

• Coordinate the drafting and publication of the Memories of the Cartagena+40 Process to be released in June 2025;
• Support the Government of Chile in the set up of the Follow up Mechanism, including liaising with prospective co-Presidency of another Latin American and Caribbean state, and help in the crafting of its functioning and structure as well as agenda and other substantive aspects;
• Support the Chilean Government in setting up the Support Platform for the implementation of the PAC;
• Ensure that PAC commitments are aligned with sub-regional and regional processes liaising with the Americas Bureau and the different chairs of the various processes.
• Liaise with the other sectorial follow up mechanisms established by the PAC (Follow up Coalition, Network of Solidarity Enterprises, Cities of Solidarities, etc.);
• In coordination and with the support of the UNHCR office in Chile, support the Government of Chile in the organization of the first Follow up meeting in June 2025;
• Support the linkages between the PAC and the contributions from the Americas region to the HLOM in December 2025, ensuring coherence and synergies for the participation to the event in Geneva.

Candidates shall have a minimum 12 years of working experience in the field of international relations, refugee law and policy or humanitarian action.

Required Education: Law, Political Science, International Relations

Fields of Expertise: Humanitarian work, Human Rights, International Relations, Law

Required Languages: Spanish, English

Desirable Languages: French

Standard Job Description

Required Languages



Desired Languages



Additional Qualifications




Work Experience

Other informationThis position doesn't require a functional clearance


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