Organizational setting

The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) is a regional fisheries management organization (RFMO) established under the provisions of Article XIV of the FAO Constitution. Its main objective is to promote the development, conservation, rational management and best utilization of marine living resources as well as the sustainable development of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. 
To fulfil its mandate, the GFCM collaborates and shares information with a wide network of institutions, international organizations, intergovernmental, non-governmental and civil society organizations as well as experts and scientists. Within its expanding organizational remit, new materials and publications need to be prepared and promoted. For its ambitious strategies to succeed, the GFCM needs to communicate effectively about its work, products and impacts to key audiences and stakeholders. 
The posts are located at GFCM headquarters at Palazzo Blumenstihl (Via Vittoria Colonna 1, 00193 – Rome, Italy). 

The Organization frequently engages experts to work on short-term projects as international incumbents. The functions of an incumbent are results-oriented and normally involve analysing complex issues, directing seminars or training courses, preparing documents for conferences and meetings, or writing reports on matters within their area of expertise. 
An international consultant is engaged by the Organization to provide expertise, skills or knowledge for the performance of a specific task or piece of work, which would be short-term by nature. The assignment may involve full-time or part-time functions similar to those of staff members. 
The assignment can be from 1 month up to 11 months. The possibility of extension is subject to satisfactory performance and depending on the resources and needs of the Organization. 
The purpose of this call is to attract talents with experience and background in publications to populate rosters for the following profiles: 
•    Publication Coordinator 
•    Publication Specialist
•    Documentation Specialist

Reporting lines

The specialists report to the relevant GFCM officers and to the GFCM Executive Secretary and closely collaborate with relevant GFCM Secretariat staff.

Technical focus

Support to the implementation of activities and production of materials, including reports, publications, translations and documents, as well as other relevant products, to enhance the visibility and efficiency of the GFCM’s work, in line with its mandate.

Tasks and responsibilities 

The Publication Coordinator will assist the GFCM Secretariat and coordinate its publication activities. In liaison with GFCM staff and in line with GFCM activities and priorities, the key functions of the incumbent will be to:

•    Establish, monitor and implement the GFCM publishing calendar, in accordance with the GFCM priorities and work plans and in liaison with relevant teams involved. 
•    Coordinate and monitor the overall preparation process of GFCM publications. This includes liaising with relevant teams and collaborators to ensure the collection of materials and preparation of files, as well as coordinating the review, editing and layout phases and monitoring all publishing steps. 
•    Ensure that all publications and documents to be disseminated via the FAO document repository are timely processed through the corporate Publications Workflow System (PWS), from planning to production and dissemination.
•    Identify relevant specialists and providers (e.g. writers, editors and graphic designers) for the preparation of publications.
•    Coordinate the work of consultants and collaborators recruited by the GFCM to carry out publishing-related tasks.  
•    Act as the publication focal point within the GFCM Secretariat.
•    Provide inputs and advice to the overall process of harmonization and update of the GFCM Compendium of decisions in English, French and Arabic.
•    Contribute to budget planning and monitoring in relation to publications. 
•    Contribute to the organization and maintenance of GFCM knowledge management databases related to publication products.
•    Work in constant contact with the Publishing Group at FAO and with the relevant Publishing Focal Points within the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Division.
•    Ensure that all materials are produced in line with FAO style and in-house style, publishing guidelines, corporate branding, logo and other relevant standards and guidelines, paying close attention to detail.
•    Collaborate in the promotion and dissemination of FAO/GFCM publications and relevant documents and materials within the network of GFCM members and partners.
•    Collaborate in the preparation of relevant materials, links and contents for the GFCM website in relation to publications.

The Publication Specialist will assist the GFCM Secretariat in the preparation of publications. The key functions of the incumbent will be to: 

•    Collaborate in the planning and preparation of technical, scientific and flagship publications and outreach materials in relation to GFCM activities and in accordance with the GFCM publishing calendar: prepare dashboards and timelines, collect materials, prepare files, edit texts, liaise with relevant teams and staff, authors, reviewers, editors, graphic designers and providers.
•    Monitor and follow up the preparation and publishing process of publications. 
•    Act as the publication liaison for specific projects with GFCM teams.
•    Provide inputs in editing and reviewing publications and improving their structure, argument and presentation of facts.
•    Provide support in preparing materials related to publications, such as illustrations, figures and infographics. 
•    Contribute to maintenance of relevant GFCM knowledge management databases related to publication products.
•    Ensure that all corporate publishing standards are adhered to in publications.
•    Ensure that all materials are produced in line with FAO style and in-house style, corporate branding, logo and other relevant guidelines, paying close attention to detail.
•    Ensure consistency and continuity of style and contents within all materials produced.
•    Collaborate in the preparation of relevant materials, links and contents for the GFCM website in relation to publications.

The Documentation Specialist will assist the GFCM Secretariat in the preparation of technical and statutory documents. The key functions of the incumbent will be to: 

•    Provide support in the preparation, editing and finalization of GFCM technical and statutory reports and ensure their online release and dissemination. 
•    Monitor the editorial calendar for the preparation and release of technical reports. 
•    Ensure the timely editing, layout and release of all working documents for the statutory sessions of the GFCM and its subsidiary bodies. 
•    Collaborate in the development of a range of communication products, including articles, digital contents, human interest stories, presentations, press releases, speeches and statements, as required.
•    Support the editing of statutory reports and documents such as GFCM decisions and collaborate in the compilation, harmonization and update of the GFCM Compendium of decisions. 
•    Collaborate in the preparation and editing of contents, links and visuals for the GFCM website.
•    Assist in processing through edpr the translation of documents by FAO translation services, ensure the follow-up of translation jobs as well as the verification and dissemination of translated documents. 
•    Ensure that all materials are produced in line with FAO style and in-house style, corporate branding, logo and other relevant guidelines, paying close attention to detail.
•    Ensure consistency and continuity of style and contents within all materials produced.
•    Contribute to the maintenance of relevant GFCM databases.

FAO standards and guidelines

•    Liaison with OCC will be maintained, either directly or through an agreed focal point/coordinator, to ensure compliance with OCC standards, aligned messaging, and appropriate review and clearance processes.
•    All communication materials will follow FAO clearance processes and comply with FAO standards, including:
FAO Strategic Framework 2022–2031:  
FAO social media policy and guidelines:   
FAO social media branding guidelines: 
FAO terminology 
FAO Names of Countries    
Story guidelines, Story template, UN map standards, FAO logo policy and related branding guidelines (available to staff). 
•    Further guidance regarding FAO communications, policies and procedures can be found through the FAO intranet, OCC section.


Minimum requirements

•    Bachelor’s degree (for Consultants) or technical diploma (for PSAs) in communication, journalism, languages studies, linguistics, translation, international affairs or related subject.
•    1 year (Category C PSA), 2 years (Category C Consultant), 5 years (Category B Consultant/PSA) or 10 years (Category A Consultant/PSA) of relevant experience in publishing, editing, translation and document management, preferably at the international level.
•    For Consultants, working knowledge (Level C) of English, French or Spanish. Limited knowledge (Level B) of one of the other two or Arabic or Russian is desirable.
•    For PSAs, working knowledge (Level C) of English or of another FAO official language.

FAO Core Competencies

•    Results Focus
•    Teamwork
•    Communication
•    Building Effective Relationships
•    Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement 

Technical/Functional Skills

•    Knowledge of editorial and publishing processes (knowledge of FAO standards, guidelines and processes will be an asset).
•    Knowledge of layout, editing, formatting tools and style manuals. 
•    Excellent computer skills (MS Office essential, CAT and design software an asset).

Publication Coordinator

•    Excellent language skills.
•    Experience in the management and coordination of multistakeholder projects, preferably at the international level.
•    At least five years of proven experience in editing and publishing, preferably at the international level.   

Publication Specialist

•    Excellent language and drafting skills.
•    Proven experience in editing (technical or scientific editing an asset).

Documentation Specialist

•    Excellent language and drafting skills.
•    Proven experience in editing, translation and document management.  
•    Experience in multilingual processing of documents.

Selection criteria 


•    Level of experience in working with international and intergovernmental organizations or projects, possibly in the Mediterranean and/or Black Sea.
•    Level of knowledge of FAO editorial processes and standards, including peer review, house styles, corporate guidelines and layout tools.
•    Excellent working knowledge of English. Knowledge of French, Spanish or Arabic will be an asset. 
•    Ability to work on multiple projects, meet deadlines and ensure quality outputs.
•    Thoroughness, reliability, attention to details, sense of diplomacy and tact. 

Publication Coordinator

•    Level of experience in coordinating the production of high-quality materials and publications in an international context.
•    Ability to design, plan, implement and coordinate publishing projects and strategies.

Publication Specialist

•    Extent and relevance of experience in drafting and/or editing technical and/or scientific materials.
•    Extent and relevance of experience in the management of editorial and publishing projects. 

Documentation Specialist

•    Extent and relevance of experience in editing, translation and management of documentation and editorial processes. 
•    Level of knowledge of translation processes and tools, including within FAO.
•    Ability to manage multiple documents, processes and timelines. 

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