Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based)A (least hardship)

Family Type (not applicable for home-based)


Staff Member / Affiliate TypeUNOPS LICA6

Target Start Date2024-05-23

Job Posting End DateMay 28, 2024

Terms of ReferenceLas personas interesadas en postularse a esta vacante deben ser nacionales de El Salvador o deben tener un permiso de trabajo válido en El Salvador al momento de la aplicación, reclutamiento y contratación. Los ciudadanos no salvadoreños deben adjuntar un permiso de trabajo válido para ser considerados a esta vacante.

Las y los candidatos/as preseleccionados deberán presentarse a una entrevista; también se puede administrar una prueba técnica y práctica. Solo se contactarán a las y los candidatos preseleccionados y no se aceptarán aplicaciones fuera de la fecha de cierre.

El ACNUR está comprometido con la diversidad y la inclusión laboral, por lo que se anima a todas las personas a aplicar a esta vacante independientemente de su religión, edad, sexo, etnia, discapacidad, identidad o expresión de género, orientación sexual.

El ACNUR no cobra ninguna tarifa en las etapas del proceso de contratación (solicitud, convocatoria de entrevista, procesamiento, capacitación o cualquier otra etapa).

Si es usted una persona con discapacidad y necesita ayuda adicional durante el proceso de solicitud y/o contratación, por favor contáctenos por correo electrónico: salsahr@unhcr.org

Se ofrece un paquete competitivo de remuneración y beneficios. Para obtener información sobre los sueldos, asignaciones y beneficios de Naciones Unidas, visite el portal web de la Comisión de Administración Pública Internacional en: http://icsc.un.org

1. General Background
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is the agency of the United Nations System with the mandate to provide international protection and seek durable solutions that respond to the needs of the refugee population, asylum seekers, internally displaced people and other people UNHCR care for.

El Salvador has a population of 6.3 million people, with at least 20% of El Salvador's population living abroad. The flow of remittances by Salvadorans represents an important revenue for the country. According to the 2022 Multipurpose Household Survey, 26.6% of the population in El Salvador live below the poverty line, out of which 8.6% are extremely poor. The rise in food prices impact social stability, exacerbating inequalities and vulnerabilities to shocks. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and tropical storms hit hard in the past.
Like other countries in the region, El Salvador was historically affected by violence and displacement within the country and abroad. However, the situation in progressively changing generating opportunities to advance solutions to internal displacement. Changes in public security present opportunities for finding medium- and long-term solutions in communities historically affected by gang violence and territorial control.
El Salvador is committed to identifying and addressing protection and solutions for refugees, internally displaced people, returnees with protection needs, and stateless individuals. El Salvador is party to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, and to the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons. In 2020, El Salvador approved the Special Law for the Care and Integral Protection of Victims of Violence in Conditions of Forced Internal Displacement.
Since July 2019, El Salvador is actively engaged in the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework (MIRPS in Spanish), a regional application of the Global Compact on Refugees. Growing mixed population flows across the countries in the north of Central America is a priority in the regional agenda. The increasingly complex human mobility context demands additional efforts for coordinating protection-oriented responses.
UNHCR’s 2023-2026 Strategy in El Salvador builds upon continuous assessments of existing needs and progress to protect, assist, and find solutions for internally displaced and at risk of displacement persons, refugees, asylum- seekers, and returnees with protection needs.
UNHCR is active in the implementation, coordination, and monitoring of the 2022-2026 United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), which prioritizes responses to the needs of internally displaced people and refugees. UNHCR is an active member of the Humanitarian Country Team. UNHCR leads the Protection Sector and co-leads the CCCM and Shelter sectors.
UNHCR seeks to meaningfully engage, empower, inform, and seek the views of people in decisions that affect their lives, as drivers for greater equality and social cohesion. UNHCR’s activities are present in over 40 communities and 17 Municipalities nationwide.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

2. Purpose and Scope of Assignment
The Project Control Associate receives general guidance and work plans from the supervisor. They work independently on regular assignments under the supervision of the Assistant Project Control Officer. The incumbent may supervise other general service staff.

The primary functions of project control are to complement programme management and provide support for oversight of projects including the formulation of a monitoring plan, quality assurance, and verification. Other activities of project control include: review of project agreements, project audit, monitoring that there is synchrony between financial and operational performance, participation in multi-functional monitoring activities and reviews, tracking project risk management, and supporting project closure.

Project Control staff play a very important role in maintaining harmonious and effective partnerships, and often interact with implementing partners. As a result, incumbents need to be very mindful of all dimensions of partnerships in their interaction with partners (in accordance with the Principles of Partnership, the Code of Conduct, and other relevant documents).

It is essential to maintain segregation of duties between project control and programme functions for effective accountability and oversight. Where there is no Project Control Officer, General Service staff performing project control functions should report directly to the Head of Office.

3. Main Duties
- Contribute to reviewing the internal control systems of implementing partners.
- Contribute to reviewing that IP agreements are in conformity with Country Operation Plans and UNHCR’s rules, policies and procedures.
- Monitor that a complete record is maintained for all projects.
- Contribute to reviewing, analysing and verifying Financial and Performance Implementing Partner Reports (Part I-IPFR and Part II-IPR), and to checking accuracy and consistency between IPFR and IPR, in accordance with project agreements.
- Ensure that the funds obligated under an IP agreement permit the payment of the next instalment or a disbursement, confirming the status of instalments already paid.
- Support timely project closure in coordination with the programme unit.
- Bring to the attention of supervisors and programme officers any significant variances at the office level in budget execution, percentage of project execution, time schedule, and quality of projects against specifications or terms and conditions.
- Maintain professional relationships with implementing partners.
- Keep up to date with all UNHCR rules, regulations and procedures necessary to perform these duties.
- Contribute to strengthening the capacity of UNHCR and partners on partnership and direct implementation management.
- Escalate IP issues to supervisors.
- Provide support for external and internal audit, evaluation, and other reviews pertaining to partnership and direct implementation management.
- Recommend acceptance or non-acceptance of IPRs and payment of instalments.
- Contact implementing partners for project related matters.
- Have unlimited access to financial and operational records relating to projects.
- Perform other related duties as required.

4. Qualifications and Experience

a. Education
Diploma or certificate/license in Accounting; Auditing; Business Administration; Finance; Project Management.

b. Work Experience
• Minimum 2 years relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher.
• Minimum 3 years relevant experience with High School Diploma.

c. Key Competencies
Language requirements: Fluency in Spanish and working knowledge of English.

Functional Skills

• FI-Finance - Accrual accounting (IPSAS/IFRS).
• IT-Computer Literacy.
• MG-Project Management.
• PC-Quality Assurance/Control.
• MG-Risk Management.
• FI-Auditing practical experience.
• UN-UN/UNHCR Financial Rules and Regulations and Procedures.
• IT-ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Functional Knowledge.
• IT-Microsoft Office Productivity Software.

Core Competencies
• Accountability
• Communication
• Organizational Awareness
• Teamwork & Collaboration
• Commitment to Continuous Learning
• Client & Result Orientation

Managerial Competencies
• Judgement and Decision Making
• Managing Resources

Cross-Functional Competencies
• Planning and Organizing
• Political Awareness

Standard Job Description

Required Languages English



Desired Languages



Additional Qualifications




Work Experience

Other informationThis position doesn't require a functional clearance


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