Organizational Setting
The Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFI) is responsible for the economic, social, institutional, governance and policy aspects of FAO's activities related to fisheries and aquaculture and their development, with particular emphasis on human well-being, food security and poverty reduction; post-harvest utilization, marketing and trade with due regard to the protection of the environment, food security and well-being of fishing communities; collection, compilation, validation, trend analysis and dissemination of the best available and up-to-date fishery statistics and for the dissemination of FAO's information on all aspects of world fisheries and aquaculture.
The Division is also responsible for FAO's activities related to the management and conservation of the living aquatic resources used by fisheries and aquaculture, including the biodiversity and ecosystem maintenance, with particular emphasis on most vulnerable and threatened species and habitats; management of responsible fisheries and aquaculture in accordance with modern management standards and best practices; development of fisheries technology, with due regard to the protection of the environment, food security and well-being of fishing communities, including the safety of fishers and fishing vessels.
NFI has been supporting the formulation and development of the New Aquatic Food Value Chains (NAVAC) development for sustainable healthy diets for the most vulnerable in fragile contexts, which aims at developing new and improving existing aquatic food value chains that can contribute to combating acute and chronic malnutrition and find new and innovative ways to improve the utilization of nutritious aquatic food products by vulnerable population.
NAVAC will do this through three specific objectives: i) The development of the knowledge base on aquatic food and their by-products, with a specific focus on the selected value chains; ii) the development of resilient and sustainable aquatic food product value chains to increase the availability and accessibility of nutritious and safe aquatic foods to vulnerable populations; and iii) increased awareness of the nutrition potential of new and/or improved aquatic food products, and their market acceptance.
The position is located in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (NFI) at FAO headquarters, Italy, and will contribute to work under FAO's Better Production and Better Nutrition Programme Priority Areas: BP2 Blue Transformation; BP4 Small-scale producers' equitable access to resources; BN3 Safe Food for Everyone and BN4 Reducing Food Loss and Waste.
Reporting Lines
The Programme Officer (Value Chain) reports to the Chief Technical Adviser, Value Chain Development Team (NFIMV).
Technical Focus
Project cycle management, value chain analysis and development, risk management, capacity development, resource mobilization and human resource management of assigned project activities including the New Aquatic Food Value Chains development for sustainable healthy diets for the most vulnerable in fragile contexts programme (NAVAC) and related activities for the sustainable use of aquatic resources and food security under the FAO Blue Growth Initiative.
Key Results
Develops, implements and evaluates effective leadership and management of major projects and teams in accordance with Divisional/Office/Centre objectives and the FAO Strategic Framework.
Key Functions
Specific Functions
Minimum Requirements
Technical/Functional Skills