Ensure a high-quality live streaming of the JIPS-EGRIS conference taking place on 8 September 2020 at Forum Genève, Geneva.

Aplicable documents:

  • JIPS-EGRIS conference concept note, agenda, speaker names
  • Joint branding guidelines for the event, including EGRIS Steering Committee member logos
  • key visual of the event

JIPS = Joint IDP Profiling Service
EGRIS = Expert Group on Refugee and IDP Statistics
EGRIS SC = EGRIS Steering Committee members (JIPS, UNSD, Statistics Norway, UNHCR, Eurostat, World Bank, Turk Stat)
IRRS = International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics
IRIS = International Recommendations on IDP Statistics
IDPs = internally displaced people

  1. Pre-event
  2. Kick-off meeting with JIPS' communications team (1h), due by 7 August 2020
  3. Meeting with JIPS' communications team about one week before the event, to present and finalise the approach, due by 1 September 2020
  4. As needed: visit and set-up of the room prior to the event, due by 7 September 2020
  5. During the event (8 September 2020, 8 am - 6 pm)
  6. Ensure a high-quality, reliable, and secure live transmission of the event (synchronised audio, video, slides; all in English, no live translation; tbd: intervention of remote speakers including video and slides)
  7. Ensure an appealing live recording and dynamic virtual experience, including views of the panel and speakers, views of the audience, standard and animated event slides, countdown counter during breaks, etc.
  8. Depending on the platform used (tbd: Zoom Webinars, Youtube, other), manage registrations and communication with online audiences, including participation in session Q&As
  9. Due on 8 September 2020
  10. After the event
  11. Produce one full day video with timestamps (or separate videos by session) in .mp4, including editing to remove pauses/interruptions and to add animated event slides, due by 2 October 2020
  12. Produce 1-2 additional videos of highlights (length to be defined), in .mp4, due by 2 October 2020

This vacancy is archived.

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