12 months
The IAEA accepts a limited number of interns each year. The internships are awarded to persons studying towards a university degree or who have recently received a degree (see Internship web pages for further details).
The purpose of the programme is:
Organizational Setting
The Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications implements the IAEA's Major Programme 2, \"Nuclear Techniques for Development and Environmental Protection\". This Major Programme comprises individual programmes on food and agriculture, human health, water resources, environment and radiation technologies. These programmes are supported by laboratories in Seibersdorf, Monaco and Vienna. The Major Programme's objective is to enhance the capacity of Member States to meet basic human needs and to assess and manage the marine and terrestrial environments through the use of nuclear and isotopic techniques in sustainable development programmes.
The Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences is responsible for assisting and advising Member States in research and development for the nuclear sciences, especially the physical and chemical sciences. Specifically, the Division provides support to Member States in the following fields: production of radioisotopes and radiolabelled products for applications in health care and industry; radiation source applications; research reactor utilization; applications of accelerators and nuclear instrumentation; nuclear and atomic data for applications; controlled nuclear fusion and isotope hydrology and geochemistry.
The Physics Section is responsible for planning and implementing activities in the areas of (i) effective utilization of research reactors, (ii) fostering relevant research and development and applications using particle accelerators and related instrumentation, and (iii) plasma physics and fusion, in order to enable Member States to avail themselves of the benefits of nuclear sciences and technologies. It operates the Nuclear Science and Instrumentation Laboratory, located at the Agency's Laboratories in Seibersdorf, which assists laboratories in Member States to improve the effective utilization of nuclear spectrometry and related instrumentation by providing technical advice, training, calibration services, assistance with the modification and development of nuclear instruments and with new applications of nuclear spectrometry techniques in various fields, including energy related applications, environmental monitoring, industry, and the study of cultural heritage objects.
Main Purpose
The purpose of this internship is to support activities in the area of fusion science and plasma physics by contributing to the organization of the technical meetings, workshops and other technical events, as well as assisting in preparation of relevant proceedings-publications and in development of outreach materials.
Functions / Key Results Expected
Qualifications and Experience
Applicant Eligibility