Title: Intern UNIDO RO Thailand (Talent Pool)

​​Requisition ID: 3921
Grade: Intern
Category: Internship
Employment Type: NonStaff-Regular
Country: Thailand
Duty Station: Bangkok
Entry Date: As appropriate
Internship Duration: 3-6 months
Application Deadline: ongoing application

Vacancy Announcement


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mission of UNIDO, as described in the Lima Declaration adopted at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013 as well as the Abu Dhabi Declaration adopted at the eighteenth session of UNIDO General Conference in 2019, is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States. The relevance of ISID as an integrated approach to all three pillars of sustainable development is recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will frame United Nations and country efforts towards sustainable development. UNIDO’s mandate is fully recognized in SDG-9, which calls to “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The relevance of ISID, however, applies in greater or lesser extent to all SDGs. Accordingly, the Organization’s programmatic focus is structured in four strategic priorities: Creating shared prosperity; Advancing economic competitiveness; Safeguarding the environment; and Strengthening knowledge and institutions.

Each of these programmatic fields of activity contains a number of individual programmes, which are implemented in a holistic manner to achieve effective outcomes and impacts through UNIDO’s four enabling functions: (i) technical cooperation; (ii) analytical and research functions and policy advisory services; (iii) normative functions and standards and quality-related activities; and (iv) convening and partnerships for knowledge transfer, networking and industrial cooperation. Such core functions are carried out in Divisions/Offices in its Headquarters, Regional Offices and Hubs and Country Offices.

The Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations (GLO), headed by a Managing Director, is responsible for UNIDO's relations with Member States and all external partners, including through the Policymaking Organs. It plays a central role for interaction and collaboration with traditional and non-traditional donors; oversees the regional bureaus as well as the network of established field offices, liaison offices and Investment and Technology Promotion Offices; and supports the implementation of particularly complex projects, programmes and special assignments, thus also fulfilling an important role in safeguarding their quality and the reputation of the Organization.

The Division of Regional Bureaus and Field Offices (GLO/RFO) coordinates the field representation and interventions of UNIDO in Member States and regions. Within this context, the Division is responsible for determining programmatic priorities for UNIDO's services and ensuring that UNIDO responds to the specific needs and requirements of Member States and development partners at the country and regional levels. It facilitates, upon guidance of GLO/FLS, the development of regional strategies, country programmes (including Programmes for Country Partnership, PCPs) and monitors their implementation. The Division encompasses all the UNIDO field offices and the five Regional Bureaus: Africa (GLO/RFO/AFR), also hosting the IDDA III Secretariat; Arab Region (GLO/RFO/ARB); Asia and the Pacific (GLO/RFO/ASP); Europe and Central Asia (GLO/RFO/EUR); and Latin American and the Caribbean (GLO/RFO/LAC).

This internship position is located in the UNIDO Regional Hub in Bangkok, Thailand, headed by the UNIDO Representative (UR). The Regional Hub covers the UNIDO Programmes in Thailand and countries of coverage. The UR is responsible for representing UNIDO in the host country and countries of coverage as well as in relevant regional intergovernmental institutions, to promote the Organization as an effective partner for development, and to maintain close contacts with local stakeholders at the country level as appropriate, including government institutions and international entities.

The duration of an internship at UNIDO is between three to six months, is UNPAID and full-time. Interns work under the supervision of a staff member, in the division or office that they are assigned to. Interns shall cover all costs associated with their internship, including visa, travel to and from the duty station, insurance, transportation, accommodation and living expenses.


The Intern shall work under the direct supervision of the UNIDO Representative and will be engaged as follows:

a. Exposed to the regular core functions of the field office and as such shall have the opportunity to observe the day-to-day operations and engage in on-the-job training in specific actions delegated by the Supervisor;

b. Engaged in a specific self-contained assignments described below

  • Monitor her/his own work by filling out work records/plan and have regular consultation meetings with the supervisor on the work load, thematic interests, and team work.
  • Assist with project development and monitoring tasks;
  • Research existing investment models to promote the sustainable development goals and assist to develop a new funding scheme including the supporting work needed for the formulation of internal policies;Assist the formulation and implementation of the divisional and bureau level monitoring framework
  • Conduct research or investigation work on a topic agreed upon in consultation with the supervisor for a possible presentation at the end of the internship;
  • Join the public relations task team of the division and unit, and carry out assigned tasks;
  • Proactively participate in the discussion and training opportunities in the organization and department and share what was learned with her/his colleagues;
  • Monitor her/his own work by filling out work records/plan and have regular consultation meetings with the supervisor on the work load, thematic interests, and team work.
  • Prepare an end-of-internship report; to be submitted to and cleared by UNIDO Internship Coordination.
  • Other Special emerging Projects that may enhance the learning experience of the Intern.


    Age: Minimum 20 years on the first day of the internship.

    Education: Enrolled in a university degree programme; or begin the internship within one year of completing a university degree; or completed a university degree and be sponsored as part of an academic or development programme.

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