All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organisation's core values: dedication. innovation, inclusivity, and accountability. These attitudes and believes shall guide our actions and relationships. The vacancy announcement describes that employment with NRC may lead to employment in or deployment to Regions, Countries, Areas, or Offices that may be host to considerable health, safety and security Risks.

. Role and responsibilities

Generic responsibilities 

  1. Ensure adherence to NRC policies. tools, handbooks, and guidelines.
  2. Prepare and develop reports and other documents as required by management.
  3. Ensure proper scanning and filing of documents.
  4. Contribute to ensuring that ICLA projects target beneficiaries most in need and accurately evidences and documents all services provided.
  5. Promote and share ideas for technical improvement, particularly in relation to ICLA record keeping and data protection.
  6. Provide specific technical support and capacity building to project staff as agreed with ICLA management.
  7. Develop and maintain knowledge of Legal Identity Documentation (LID) in order to be effective in his/her work.

    Specific responsibilities 

    • Ensure accurate data entry in relation to Northeast Myanmar ICLA programme activities in M&E Matrices and GORS, as well as in relation to means of verification for all ICLA activities.
    • Maintain full and accurate ICLA online and offline files, databases and other archives documenting ICLA programme progress.
    • Assist IM Technical Officer in extracting and analysing data for reports against project indicators as necessary.
    • Ensure security of data collection and data in the course of implementation of ICLA activities in line with NRC policies.
    • Assist IM Technical Officer in providing guidance and support to ICLA staff as regards ICLA record keeping systems in order to ensure that field teams maintain accurate and orderly records.
    • Work closely with field teams to ensure that the information from the field is quickly and accurately transferred to the ICLA database systems.
    • Contribute to LID and HLP assessments, monitoring and profiling exercises conducted by NRC.
    • Assist IM Technical Officer in data capturing processes to ensure implementation is in line with plans and agreed standards.
    • Contribute to regular updating and maintenance of an effective ICLA case management system in line with NRC policies, guidance and/ or SOPs.
    • Assist IM Technical Officer in monitoring LID ICLA counselling and legal assistance for trends and to ensure accuracy of data input.
    • Ensure that ICLA activities are carried out in line with NRC standards, policies, guidance and SOPs and immediately report, by email, on any concerns or any malpractice on the part of ICLA team members to the ICLA IM Technical Officer, ICLA Protect Coordinator and ICLA Project Manager.
    • Facilitate the M&E team in the implementation of the NRC Myanmar M&E system as regards ICLA.
    • Perform any other tasks as requested by ICLA IM Technical Officer,  ICLA Project Coordinator or ICLA Project Manager.

      Critical interfaces

      Relevant interfaces for this position are:

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