Mission and objectives Le PNUD, en tant que réseau mondial de développement, vise entre autres à promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et à favoriser le développement et l’échange des expériences entre les pays. La Mauritanie a signé et ratifié les conventions consacrées à la défense des droits de l’Enfant (CDE) et la Convention sur l’Elimination de toutes les formes de Discrimination à l’Egard des Femmes (CEDEF). Le pays s’est aussi engagé, à travers les Objectifs de Développement Durable, à réaliser les dix-sept ODD dont l’objectif n°5 vise à promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et autonomisation des femmes. Cependant, la persistance des relations d’inégalité et manque d’équité, constituent encore un frein au développement durable du pays. Ces déséquilibres, qui concernent aussi bien les domaines politique, économique et juridique, que social et culturel, constituent un obstacle à la jouissance des mêmes droits humains pour tous et toutes. Ils empêchent ainsi les femmes, qui représentent plus de la moitié de la population, de jouer pleinement leur rôle dans le processus de croissance et de développement du pays.

ContextThe national context unfortunately does not favor an effective fight against GBV, for several reasons. At the institutional level, the framework law on GBV has been rejected twice by parliament. In addition, socio-cultural norms still weigh heavily, as women and girls often hesitate to file a complaint, and even when they do, a large majority withdraw their complaint under social pressure and fear of causing a \"scandal\". A better understanding of the phenomenon and its manifestations constitutes a first step towards identifying appropriate contextualized solutions. It is for this reason that UNDP, in collaboration with MASEF, is conducting this study in the city of Nouakchott. The selected candidate will receive the draft report narrative and will develop the graphical structure of the document. Her/his support will allow UNDP Office to submit a graphically sound draft report to be shared among partners and government counterpart.

Task DescriptionWe are looking for three Online Volunteer/s who under the guidance of the solution mapper officer as well as the communication officer of UNDP Mauritania will support us by producing a good design of the mentioned report. Each Online Volunteer is asked to: - Create a first quick draft design based on provided materials, requirements - Submit a first draft in 10 working days; - Further develop and finalize the design according to agreed requirements; - Design a flyer or brochure with the executive summary of the annual report and create a QR code which referring to the whole report posted to be posted on UNDP Mauritania website; - The design/layout should follow our corporate design guidelines which will be shared with the Online Volunteers in advance.

Competencies and values

Living conditions and remarks

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