Organizational Setting
The Subregional Office for Mesoamerica (SLM) is responsible for developing, promoting, overseeing and implementing agreed-upon strategies and projects for transforming agrifood systems and rural development. It also develops and maintains relations with subregion-wide institutions.
The Subregional Office is a subsidiary of the FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (RLC).
The position is located in the Subregional Office for Mesoamerica (SLM) in Panama City, Panama.
Reporting Lines
The Forestry Officer reports programmatically (work planning, priorities, results) to the Regional Leader for sustainable and climate resilient agriculture and on a daily basis (daily guidance, coordinating leave, work schedule) to the Sub-Regional Coordinator for Mesoamerica (SLM). The Officer maintains regular contact with the Forestry Division (NFO) at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, for technical guidance on forestry matters including sustainable forest management, community and social forestry, forest resources assessment and monitoring, forest and landscape restoration and interlinkages between forestry and the food and agricultural sectors.
The Forestry Officer has regional responsibilities in his/her areas of expertise. The Officer coordinates regularly with other Forestry Officers in the region and headquarters to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of regional priorities in response to country demands.
Technical Focus
Forestry's contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 13 and 15, as well as 1, 2, and 12. Sustainable forest policies, programmes, institutions and investments related to food security and nutrition, sustainable agriculture and rural development and environmental well-being and resilience. Sustainable community forest management and conservation, forest economics, products, ecosystem services and marketing, forest ecosystem and landscape restoration, forest health (fires, biodiversity, and pest and diseases), monitoring and assessment, and role of forests in climate change. Policy dialogue, technical support and networking with regional, subregional and national forestry authorities, as well as with private sector, civil society organizations and scientific and academic partners.
Key Results
Comprehensive technical and policy expertise to support the planning, development and implementation of regional programmes, projects, products and services in accordance with regional objectives and the FAO Strategic Framework.
Key Functions
Specific Functions
Minimum Requirements
Technical/Functional Skills