Work for the IMF. Work for the World.

The IMF has an opening for the position of Department Director of the Fiscal Affairs Department (FAD). Department Directors are the most senior staff positions in the organization and work under the guidance of the Managing Director and her four Deputies. The FAD Director leads a department of about 400 employees.

FAD is a functional department focused on public finance issues (macro-fiscal policy; tax policy; revenue administration; expenditure policy; and public financial management). In this context, the implications of fiscal policies for productivity and potential growth are an area of increased interest. FAD also contributes to the IMF’s work on sovereign debt, governance and anti-corruption, and social safety nets.

FAD’s main activities include providing policy advice, applied research and multilateral surveillance (including publication of the Fiscal Monitor), and delivering technical assistance and training to member countries. FAD economists also participate in IMF lending programs, contributing to the design of conditionality in this context.

The Director is expected to provide intellectual leadership, strategic vision, and management oversight for the work of FAD, within a corporate culture focused on delivery of high-quality policy advice and technical services to the IMF’s global membership. As part of the senior leadership team, the Director is expected to make a significant contribution to the development and implementation of the IMF’s overall strategy.


The successful candidate will bring:

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