1 Summary

WRI intends to award a contract to undertake detailed due diligence and provide gap assessments for innovative partnerships solutions in climate mitigation and adaptation. P4G typically receives and screens over 100 applications, then shortlists and evaluates final proposals for the top scoring about 15-25 partnerships and awards final funding and support to between 15-20 partnerships. The P4G Call for Proposals takes place twice every year and therefore the Due diligence consultant is expected as part of their services to undertake the detailed due diligence and provide gap assessments for an average of 15 innovative solutions per period.

2 Background

P4G’s goal is to accelerate and scale new business models for sustainable development in developing and emerging economies through public-private partnerships. P4G contributes to green and inclusive growth in developing countries by helping early-stage ventures become investment ready and supporting country climate transitions in food, water and energy systems.

P4G’s three outcomes below will contribute to the programme objective:

  • Outcome 1: Businesses supported by P4G become investment ready.
  • Outcome 2: Government and private sector leaders contribute to improving the green-growth enabling systems based on inputs by P4G partnerships.
  • Outcome 3: Knowledge mobilisation (incorporating MEL) engages knowledge partner stakeholders who can influence enabling systems and country transitions in food, water and energy systems.

    The P4G Hub is hosted by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and works in six partner countries: Colombia, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa and Vietnam. The primary responsibilities of the P4G Hub are to:

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