The global policy framework for responding to large refugee crises, as articulated in the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) and the Global Compact on Refugees, clearly emphasizes the importance of refugee participation and support for the contributions of local civil society in the refugee response. According to the CRRF, a comprehensive refugee response “should involve a multi-stakeholder approach that includes national and local authorities, international organizations, international financial institutions, civil society partners (including faith-based organizations, diaspora organizations and academia), the private sector, the media and refugees themselves.”[1] In relation to civil society partners (including those “that are led by refugees”), the GCR notes their important role in assessing community strengths and needs, ensuring inclusive planning, and implementing programs.[2] On participation of refugees, the GCR further explains that “Responses are most effective when they actively and meaningfully engage those they are intended to protect and assist.” The GCR recommends strengthened consultative processes “that enable refugees and host community members to assist in designing appropriate, accessible and inclusive responses” and the development of strategies for inclusion of refugees and host communities “in key forums and processes.”[3]

In December 2019, the first ever Global Refugee Forum took place in Geneva, Switzerland. During the Forum, states and other actors announced some 840 pledges and contributions to advance the objectives of the global compact. Oxfam supported a pledge that was proposed by the Global Refugee-Led Network (GRN) to support the meaningful participation of refugees and host communities in decisions that affect their lives. Oxfam made specific commitments to support refugee-led organizations to improve their role in the humanitarian response and to involve refugees and host communities in the design of programmes from the outset.

Ethiopia was among the first states to sign up to the CRRF yet progress in implementing significant changes in Ethiopia’s refugee policies has been slow. There remain numerous legal and policy hurdles towards enhancing refugee participation, such as limitations on freedom of movement within Ethiopia, the right to work, the right to associate, and financial inclusion.

In order to advance the objectives of the CRRF and GCR, further implementation of Oxfam’s pledge on refugee participation, and support engagement with the Ethiopian government to address the legal and policy changes necessary to more fully support refugee participation, Oxfam intends to publish a policy paper that assesses the situation and makes recommendations for increasing refugee leadership and participation.

We are recruiting a consultant, with the following scope of work:

  • Design qualitative research methodology

  • Lead research, with support of Oxfam staff, in Addis Ababa and Gambella

  • Conduct interviews with refugees, government officials, UNHCR, Oxfam staff, and other stakeholders in the refugee response

  • Develop targeted and specific policy recommendations for relevant stakeholders

  • Draft a policy paper, for external publication, of approximately 8,000 words. The paper should address: 1) The general context (Gambella, Ethiopia’s implementation of the Global Compact for Refugees/Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework ) 2) Challenges to a refugee-led response (including limitations on refugees’ right to work, right to associate and financial inclusion, access to information, participation in coordination mechanisms) 3) Oxfam and other actors’ experiences and approaches to support refugee leadership and participation and 4) Recommendations

  • Present findings in a virtual webinar

Specific deliverables:

  • Inception report outlining proposed research plan and timeline

  • Briefing paper for external publication, including findings and recommendations

  • Virtual presentation on findings


Oxfam will:

  • Facilitate the work as per the specified activity and timeframe in the outline above

  • Provide relevant documents to the consultant

  • Effect payments according to the agreement

  • Provide timely feedback on the report from all relevant staff members

Application requirements:

Interested candidates in the position are expected to provide the following documentation:

  • A technical proposal with detailed response to the TOR, with specific focus on addressing the scope of work and methodology to be used

  • Sample of previous research and policy papers or related work, etc.

  • Initial work plan based on methodology outlined, and indication of availability

  • A financial proposal detailing the daily rate expected, transportation costs, accommodation costs, etc. and initial work plan

  • Company/organizational profile or CV including a minimum of 3 traceable, recent and relevant references to this task

  • Deadline to submit the proposal is on deadline on 5 October 2020.

[1] [emphasis added] New York Declaration on Refugees, para 69,; See also Annex I, CRRF, para. 2

[2] Global Compact on Refugees, para 40.

[3] Global Compact on Refugees, para 34.

This vacancy is archived.

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