The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is implementing the project “Enhance migration governance through evidence-based programming and strengthening capacities of authorities in Kosovo[1]” funded by The Swiss Confederation/State Secretariat for Migration (SEM). The overall objective of this project is to contribute to enhancing migration governance through an evidence-based and holistic approach and maximize migration potential to achieve sustainable development outcomes in Kosovo. In particular, the project will strengthen the capacities of authorities in Kosovo, to enhance data collection system to gather evidence of internal migration movements. 

The Civil Registration Agency (CRA) of Kosovo is tasked with managing and overseeing key civil registration and civil status data, including the central civil status register and on residence. As part of ongoing legal and institutional, which includes among other drafting the new Law on Residence and establishing special organisation unit on the residence within CRA, the CRA intends to explore modalities of establishing a Central Electronic Registry on Residence. The proposed registry will centralize data related to the residence and linking it with the civil status registry, respectively linking the citizen with his/her address.

This initiative aligns with Kosovo’s broader goals of enhancing migration governance, improving service delivery, and ensuring accurate data for policymaking. To this end, in the framework of the support provided to the Civil Registration Agency and the Government Authority for Migration under the ‘Enhance migration governance through evidence-based programming and strengthening capacities of authorities in Kosovo’ project, IOM seeks to engage a qualified consultant to conduct a comprehensive assessment, assessing the IT and technical, legal, operational, and financial dimensions of establishing the registry.

 [1] All references to Kosovo should be understood for IOM to be in the context of United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 (1999).

       Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment: 

        The consultant will be responsible for:

Needs Assessment and Stakeholder Consultation 

Evaluating the current state of residence data management systems within the CRA and at the local level; Engaging with key stakeholders, including Kosovo Statistical Agency, Kosovo Cadastral Agency, Agency for Information Society, Unit for Digital Transformation in the Office of Prime Minister etc.

Technical Feasibility: 

Assessing the existing IT infrastructure within the CRA and other relevant institutions and agencies, and determining the technical requirements for developing and integrating the Central Electronic Registry on Residence; Propose a concept document highlighting options for system architecture, interoperability with existing civil registry, and data systems.

Legal and Regulatory Review:

Analysing the draft Law on Residence and ensure that Central Electronic Registry on Residence is designed in line with the new legal provisions.

Operational Feasibility: 

Reviewing the organizational capacity of the CRA, technical skills, and resources required to manage the Central Electronic Registry on Residence. Developing recommendations for operational workflows, data collection protocols, and inter-operability with other data systems.

Financial Feasibility: 

Estimating the costs for developing, implementing, and maintaining the Registry, including software, hardware, and training needs.

Implementation Plan: 

Designing a phased implementation roadmap with detailed timelines, milestones, and resource allocation; Recommending approaches for pilot testing, scaling, and integrating the registry with other digital governance initiatives in Kosovo.


The consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:

1.    Inception Report detailing the methodology, work plan, and timeline (6 days)

2.    Stakeholder Consultation Report summarizing findings from consultations and needs assessments. (7 days)

3.    Draft Feasibility Study Report covering technical, legal, operational, and financial analyses. (15 days)

4.    Final Feasibility Study Report incorporating feedback and providing detailed recommendations. (6 days)

5.    Presentation of Findings to CRA management and GAM Thematic Group. (1 day)

 Duration of Assignment

The assignment is expected to be completed within [6] months from the commencement date (1st December 2024), with key milestones as follows:

•      Inception Report: End of March 2025

•      Stakeholder Consultation Report: End of April 2025

•      Draft Feasibility Study Report: End of May 2025

•      Presentation of the Feasibility Study Report: Mid-June 2025

•      Finalize and handover of the Final Report: End of July 2025

Performance indicators for the evaluation of results

Legal analysis on conducted. Analysis of the current IT and database infrastructure conducted. Final assessment report finalized outlining the architecture for the new Central Register on Residence.


Minimum M.A degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information System or related fields from an accredited academic institution. A PHD degree is highly preferable in relevant fields.  Certification in databases and / or programming/ software development will be an added advantage. 


At least 10 years of relevant work experience in IT, respectively Databases, Electronic Registry Development. Application Administration, System Analysis and Design for IT project implementation, Digitalization process and performance of similar tasks, in public institutions is required.  Minimum 5 years of experience in conducting feasibility assessments for complex projects. Experience with Data Integration and System Integration with relevant public institutions. Experience with Project Management (Project must have been related with migration data management systems).  Experience in the field of migration governance, data management or is highly desirable. Familiarity with migration governance, in particular internal migration. Proven in-depth knowledge and analytical skills for understanding of the complex data and computer systems, in identifying inefficiencies, analysing weaknesses or security threats of the IT systems. 


Excellent communication and presentation skills. Personal commitment, efficiency, flexibility, drive for results, respect for diversity, creative thinking. Advanced analytical skills and commitment to detail. Ability to take initiative, identify gaps and propose solutions. Ability to work as part of a team as well as on own initiative. Cultural sensitivity and ability to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues from varied cultures and professional backgrounds. Excellent time management skills. Strong organizational skills, with the ability to multitask, prioritize effectively, and meet deadlines. Computer literacy, including proficiency in Microsoft Office suite and other relevant software tools. Language requirements: Proficiency in English, Albanian and/or Serbian languages, both written and spoken. Knowledge of additional languages will be considered an advantage.

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