
NOTE: Signed Offeror’s Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability - - Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability.docx - to be sent to e-mail with Subject: Job ID 92527.

The GCF Funded Climate Change Mitigation Project “Scaling-up Investment in Low-Carbon Public Buildings” aims to overcome barriers to investment in low-carbon retrofits of public buildings by addressing country and sector-specific investment risks, as follows:

  • Output 1 will provide technical assistance (TA) to public and private sector stakeholders at municipal, cantonal, entity and national level in BiH to help address non-financial barriers, and to create conducive policies, regulations and capacities for implementation of the National Investment Framework for Low-Carbon Public Buildings.
  • Output 2 will facilitate implementation of the National Investment Framework for Low-Carbon Public Buildings, including the required investment support to improve risk-return profiles and to bring prospective low-carbon building projects to financial close.

Overall, the project will result in a direct reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 2,02 million tCO2e over the lifetime of the investments enabled, at a cost to the GCF of US$ 9/tCO2e.

Within this project, UNDP is seeking to recruit an Energy Efficiency Expert Team that shall develop sustainable long-term financial & policy mechanisms for improving energy efficiency in residential sector in the cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla.

Residential housing sector in B&H has been clearly recognised as the largest final energy consumer. At the same time it is also recognised as the sector with the largest potential for cost-effective energy saving.

Large-scale investment in cost-effective energy efficiency retrofit measures and use of energy from renewable sources in residential buildings would bring numerous benefits to B&H. It would generate robust transition towards low-carbon residential sector and significantly contribute to GHG emission reduction, thus contributing to global environmental benefits. Such investment would improve living conditions of households, most of whom are women and children, significantly reduce households' energy bills and help saving their family budgets, thus contributing to overcoming energy poverty. It would create new employment opportunities and contribute to economic growth. By reducing energy consumption, such investment would also contribute to B&H' energy independence and improve its energy supply security.

Unfortunately, such outstanding development potential of the B&H' residential sector remains untapped. Vast opportunities for sustainable development through large-scale investment in low-carbon residential sector have not yet ben exploited, for variety of reasons. All stakeholder groups, seen as the key drivers of change (public authorities, dwelling owners and their associations, building-management firms and other private sector' actors) face a number of financial and non-financial barriers to their low-carbon investment in residential buildings.

Authorities lack organisational, technical and managerial knowledge to develop efficient policy, regulatory and financial schemes for implementation of energy efficiency schemes in residential sector under their jurisdiction.

Majority of dwelling ownewrs do not have own financial resources to pay for energy efficiency retrofit of their buildings. Many of them are social cases with low or no income, others are pensiuoners with generally low pensions, or employees with minimal salaries insufficient to even cover basic family needs. Dwelling owners in multi-dwelling buildings face additional obstacles attributed to lack of clear decision-making mechanisms and to complexity of the whole energy retrofitting process of the whole building.

Dwelling owners' associations (in Republika Srpska) and building-management firms (in the Federation B&H) have limited if any financial, organisational and technical capacity and motivation to obtain required financial resources from commercial banks, to prepare and implement retrofitting projects and ensure verification of energy efficiency improvements.

Use of the overall energy saving potential of B&H' residential buildings, with consequent achievement of accompanying GHG emmission reduction will come at a large cost, and will require significant upfront investment from dwelling owners and stakeholders. These investments are very slow to materialise under the above pictured baseline conditions, due to a great deal of financial and non-financial barriers.

In order to build foundations and open the floor for scaling-up investment in low-carbon residential buildings in B&H, UNDP is implementing the project that provides an integrated package of technical, managerial, financial, informational and educational assistance, designed to address the country-specific risks and barriers to energy efficiency investment in residential sector. It aims to identify intervention packages and modalities which are most efficient in the B&H' context, thus opening floor for larger investment volumes from both domestic and international sources.

The project focuses on local level, directly targeting Cities /Municipalities expressing political will for low-carbon investment in residential housing stock located in their territory. The project will pilot in overcoming a number of financial and non-financial investment barriers, and assist Municipalities /Cities to create locally managed investment frameworks that are friendly to their citizens /dwelling-owners.

One of the key project activities is development of sustainable long-term financial & policy mechanisms for improving energy efficiency in housing sector in the cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla, that could be replicated in other B&H' municipalities and cities.

Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the UNDP Project Manager, the National Consultant will be responsible to act as the Team Leader /Expert for EE and Financing, whose primary obligations include:

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Participate in conducting detailed analysis of legislative frameworks in Republika Srpska and Federation B&H, which directly and indirectly affect development and implementation of the Financial & Policy Mechanisms for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Sector in Banja Luka and Tuzla to be established within this assignment

This analysis should cover relevant regulation at the state, entity, cantonal (in the Federation B&H) and local levels, as well as adopted and/or drafted policies, strategies, action plans and similar documents that entirely or partially relate to and address the B&H residential sector.

This analysis should cover regulation (laws, by-laws, decisions, rulebooks, etc) covering all aspects pertaining to implementation modalities and mechanisms of energy efficiency investment in residential sector in B&H cities and municipalities. This should include all relevant sectors and fields such as energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, spatial planning, construction, communal affairs, maintenance of residential housing stock, governance and self-governance including public budgeting, public procurement, financing, economy and entrepreneurship, public-private partnership, inspections, etc. While conducting this analysis, all governance levels should be considered.

Reports on the conducted analyis should primarily include:

  • Description of their legal roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder group in implementation of the established mechanisms, as defined in the pertaining legislative documents analysed; 
  • Elaboration of main legal obstacles envisioned, that may jeopardise or make impossible their intended roles in implementation of the Financial and Policy Mechanism in question;

Conduct detailed analysis of current financial & policy mechanisms, opportunities and practices for improving energy efficiency in residential sector in Banja Luka and Tuzla

Reports on the conducted analysis should primarily include:

  • Their funding sources (international – multilateral or bi-lateral, national, commercial) and operational mechanisms (loans /grants /co-financing);
  • Their application and implementation modalities (target groups, eligibility conditions, assistance-delivery mechanisms to dwelling-owners (direct financial payments, provision of contracted work, etc);

Description of each identified scheme should primarily incorporate:

  • Policy & legislative context of the scheme (whether it is a stand-alone project, or part of wider City' strategy or action plan; pertaining legislation regulating its implementation, including relavant City' decisions);
  • Horisontal /legislative measures implemented by the City as enabling mechanisms for implementation of the scheme in question;
  • Implementation and supervisory bodies;
  • Overview of the scheme' financial mechanisms (mechanisms and procedures for raising and disbursing financial financial resources of the scheme);
  • Financial value of the scheme, implementation timeline, technical scope (number of target dwellings, type and scope of planned energy efficiency measures, etc), climate & energy objectives and indicators established, etc;
  • Primary beneficiary groups (individual dwelling-owners and/or their associations, building-management firms, etc), and modalities of their participation with emphasis on the way of reconstruction assistance (money, or construction materials, or sub-contracted reconstruction work) they receive;
  • Practical operational mechanisms, modalities and tools (grants /subsidies /incentives /loans; eligibility requirements (general, technical, financial, environmental) and selection modalities and criteria; application process including set of pertaining documentation applied;  energy saving monitoring & verification mechanisms applied;
  • List of legislative documents pertaining to and covering implementation of the scheme;
  • Accomplishments achieved to date (number of dwellings retrofitted, scope of energy efficiency measures implemented, energy saving and GHG emission reduction, etc);
  • Summary of best practices and lessons learned through the scheme' implementation, with emphasis on main chalenges and obstacles jeopardising planned implementation of the scheme.

For available financial & policy mechanisms not used to date, this report should elaborate on reasons and barriers (economic /financial, legal and regulatory, technical and non-financial) hampering their application by the Cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla.

3. Participate in and responisble for development of sustainable long-term Financial & Policy Mechanisms for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Housing Stock in the Cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla

Each of these two Mechanisms shall fulfil the following requirements:

  • They must build on and incorporate key findings from:
    • The Report on analysis of the relevant Republika Srpska /Federation B&H' legislative framewor regulating development and implementation of the required Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Sector in the city of Banja Luka /Tuzla (Deliverables 1(a) and 1(b); and
    • The Report on analysis of the current financial & policy mechanisms, practices and opportunities for improving energy efficiency in residential housing stock in the city of Banja Luka /Tuzla (Deliverables 2(a) and 2(b))
  • Technical and financial scope of the two Mechanisms including their energy & climate objectives and indicators, shall be developed on the basis of key outcomes of the Energy Efficiency Studies of Residential Buildings in the City of Banja Luka /Tuzla. UNDP will develop these two Studies through another assignment, and both of them will be timely made available to the Consultant, enabling finalisation of the Deliverables 3(a) and 3(b).
  • At the same time, both Mechanisms must be fully harmonised with the required energy saving targets planned in the following documents:
    • For the City of Banja Luka:
      • Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Republika Srpska and Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the City of Banja Luka, and accompanying distribution of planned energy saving targets per Republika Srpska' cities and municipalities;
      • Its Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP):
    • For the City of Tuzla:
      • Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the Federation B&H, Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Tuzla Canton, and Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the City of Tuzla, with accompanying distribution of planned energy saving targets per Tuzla Canton' cities and municipalities;
      • Its Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP):
  • Each Mechanism shall incorporate several financial & policy options, which are most feasible having in mind findings elaborated in Deliverables 1 and 2;
  • The folowing issues should be addressed for each elaborated option:
  • The Report on analysis of the relevant Republika Srpska /Federation B&H' legislative framewor regulating development and implementation of the required Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Sector in the city of Banja Luka /Tuzla (Deliverables 1(a) and 1(b); and
  • The Report on analysis of the current financial & policy mechanisms, practices and opportunities for improving energy efficiency in residential housing stock in the city of Banja Luka /Tuzla (Deliverables 2(a) and 2(b))
  • For the City of Banja Luka:
    • Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Republika Srpska and Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the City of Banja Luka, and accompanying distribution of planned energy saving targets per Republika Srpska' cities and municipalities;
    • Its Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP):
  • For the City of Tuzla:
    • Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the Federation B&H, Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Tuzla Canton, and Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the City of Tuzla, with accompanying distribution of planned energy saving targets per Tuzla Canton' cities and municipalities;
    • Its Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP):
  • Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Republika Srpska and Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the City of Banja Luka, and accompanying distribution of planned energy saving targets per Republika Srpska' cities and municipalities;
  • Its Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP):
  • Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the Federation B&H, Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Tuzla Canton, and Energy Efficiency Action Plan of the City of Tuzla, with accompanying distribution of planned energy saving targets per Tuzla Canton' cities and municipalities;
  • Its Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plan (SECAP):

Financial schemes & investment frameworks for mobilisation of sustainable long-term finance for the scheme, with detailed description of all incorporated public and private financial sources and modalities;

Legislative & managerial context and mechanisms:

Scope of intervention (as a part of overall scope of required EE-reconstruction, as defined in Energy Efficiency Studies of Residential Buildings in the City of Banja Luka /Tuzla):

Implementation modalities and mechanisms:

  • The most promising option must be elaborated in detail. In addition to the above listed issues, it should incorporate implementation tools (i.e City' decisions, documents used in beneficiary selection process, contract between the City and Beneficiary, etc).

4. Actively communicate with all stakeholder groups, in all implementation stages of this assignment, with the aim to:

  • Capture their institutional knowledge and experience, and incorporate them in relevant elements of the two Financial & Policy Mechanisms, in order to ensure their feasibility and efficient implementation;
  • Ensure full ownership of the Cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla over the entire process and outcomes of establishing the two Financial & Policy Mechanisms;
  • Ensure smooth and timely implementation of all decision-making interventions of the Cities of Banja Luka and Tuzla, required in the process of establishing their Financial & Policy Mechanisms

This communication shall inter alia include:

  • Meetings, workshops, and focus groups with key representatives of all stakeholder groups, whenever necessary; and
  • Collaborative development of key financial and implementation modalities & tools of the two Financial & Policy Mechanisms.



Deliverables / Outputs

# of Days per Task

Due Date



a) Support to development of Report on analysis of relevant legislative framework in Republika Srpska, which regulates and/or affects development and implementation of the required Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Housing Stock in the City of Banja Luka, that has been submitted to and approved by UNDP
b) Support to development of Report on analysis of relevant legislative framework in the Federation B&H, which regulates and/or affects development and implementation of the required Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Housing Stock in the City of Tuzla, that has been submitted to and approved by UNDP


October 15, 2020



a) Report on analysis of the current financial & policy mechanisms, opportunities and practices for improving energy efficiency in residential housing stock in the city of Banja Luka has been submitted to and approved by UNDP
b) Report on analysis of the current financial & policy mechanisms, opportunities and practices for improving energy efficiency in residential housing stock in the city of Tuzla has been submitted to and approved by UNDP


December 15, 2020



a) Development of the Draft Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Housing Stock in the City of Banja Luka, that have been approved by the City of Banja Luka, submitted to and approved by UNDP
b) Development of the Draft Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Housing Stock in the City of Tuzla, that have been approved by the City of Tuzla, submitted to and approved by UNDP


December 15, 2020



a) Development of the Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Housing Stock in the City of Banja Luka, that have been approved by the City of Banja Luka, submitted to and approved by UNDP
b) Development of the Financial & Policy Mechanism for Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Housing Stock in the City of Tuzla, that have been approved by the City of Tuzla, submitted to and approved by UNDP


April 15, 2021



Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism;
  • Fulfils all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Functional competencies:

  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication and diplomatic skills, ability to work in a team
  • Openness to change and ability to receive/integrate feedback
  • Ability to work under pressure and stressful situations
  • Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities
  • Excellent public speaking and presentation skills
Required Skills and Experience

Academic Qualifications/Education:

  • University degree in economics, with relevant post-graduate degree and professional certifications considered as an advantage


  • Minimum 10 years of progressive professional experience in economics and finance in energy efficiency & climate change fields, and in strategic planning at different governmental levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Languages Requirements:

  • Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Bosnia and Herzegovina' languages;
  • Knowledge of English language

Other Requirements:

  • Proven experience in economic and financial analysis & planning, and investing in energy efficiency and climate change mitigation & adaptation interventions;
  • Proven experience in public budgeting, investment planning and financing;
  • Proven experience in cost-benefit analysis;
  • Proven experience in creation of development strategies and action plans in the fields of climate change and energy efficiency, on different governmental levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Proven experience in creation of planning documents pertaining to energy efficiency of building sector in B&H;
  • Proven experience in creation of high-quality expert documents (studies, analyses, etc) in the fields of energy efficiency, climate change and environment;
  • Proven experience in development and implementation of projects and activities in the fields of economic development, climate change and energy efficiency;
  • Proven experience in energy auditing;
  • Proven analytical skills and ability to conceptualize and write clearly and concisely;
  • Proven experience in establishing and maintaining productive partnerships with different levels of B&H authorities and other relevant partners and stakeholders in the fields of climate change, energy efficiency, economy and financing;
  • Proven experience in provision of technical assistance in the fields of economy, finance, energy efficiency and climate change to B&H authorities and other stakeholder groups, including facilitation and coaching relevant groups of participants;
  • Proven experience in mainstreaming gender equality into energy efficiency, climate change and environmental issues; 

Longlisting/Shortlisting Criteria

Qualifications as stated in the ToR



Relevant Education (University degree in law, economics, public administration, development studies or a related field)

max 10 points

(5 points allocated for BA/BSc degree;

+ 3 points for MSc/MA;

+ up to 2 points for PhD).

Relevant professional experience (minimum 5 years)

max 17 points 

Knowledge of English and languages of BiH people

max 3 points

Technical Evaluation Criteria



Rating based on Qualifications


Rating based on Technical criteria                                                             

- At least 5 years of experience in practical work and provision of expert support in reforms of public policies and legislation at various levels of government (max. 20 points);                                                                   

 - Experience and knowledge of public policies and relevant regulatory framework in BiH on local self-government (max. 15 points);                   

- Professional experience in reforms, development and implementation of regulations in the field of communal services and/or public water services (max. 35 points).                             



Individual  will be evaluated based on the following methodology:

Cumulative analysis

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the candidate whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:
a) responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
b) Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

  • * Technical Criteria weight-70%
  • * Financial Criteria weight- 30%

Interested candidated must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Proposal:
    • Cover Letter;
  • Cover Letter;

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.


  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 65 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.


This vacancy is archived.

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