Parent Sector : Education Sector (ED)
Duty Station: Paris
Classification of duty station: [[filter12]]
Standard Duration of Assignement : [[filter13]]
Job Family: Education
Type of contract : Non Staff
Duration of contract : From 1 to 6 months
Recruitment open to : External candidates
Application Deadline (Midnight Paris Time) : 05-FEB-2025
UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism
As the only specialized semi-autonomous organization with the mandate to support educational policy, planning and management, the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) plays a unique role within the United Nations system. IIEP was established in 1963 as an integral part of UNESCO. It supports ministries of education around the world and other key actors to plan and manage education systems through its programmes of training, technical assistance, policy research and knowledge sharing. The Institute launched its new Medium-Term Strategy (2022-2024) in December 2021. IIEP draws on core and project funding to achieve its goals and objectives.
1. Context
IIEP, in direct partnership with Agence Française de Développement and Global Partnership for Education, is undertaking a comprehensive review of the implementation of the Paris Declaration principles in the education sector over the past twenty years (2005-2025). This review comes at a critical juncture when education financing faces severe constraints, yet the principles of aid effectiveness remain highly relevant to today's development challenges, particularly in the education sector. The study aims to examine how the Paris Declaration's principles of aid effectiveness have been implemented in the education sector, identify good practices, analyze obstacles encountered, and explore their relevance for emerging financing instruments. A key component of this report involves conducting detailed country case studies to provide empirical evidence on the implementation of aid effectiveness principles in different contexts. The country case studies represent the original research element of the global report. Their value lies in examining the gap between aid effectiveness principles and actual practices, looking at the education sector holistically rather than focusing on individual projects or programs. The case studies will cover key policy-oriented topics examining the evolution of education financing approaches, coordination mechanisms, and alignment with national systems over the 2005-2024 period.
2. About the consultancy
To support this important endeavor, IIEP-UNESCO is seeking to engage qualified senior consultants who will assist in conducting one or several case studies.
Each consultant will work under the direct supervision of IIEP and in close collaboration with other consultants to ensure methodological consistency. The consultancy will require both desk-based research and primary data collection, including conducting interviews with key stakeholders from ministries of education, ministries of finance, development partners, and civil society organizations. Where relevant, field missions could be carried out.
While the final scope of each case studies (including focus countries) will be discussed and finalized with the consultants, the topics below have already been identified as of particular interest to the report.
These case studies will mobilize several analytical tools and approaches including a political economy lens, quantitative data analyses and semi-structured interviews with key informants.
Professional Experience
3. Deliverables
The consultant will be expected to deliver the following outputs:
During the elaboration of the case studies, consultants are expected to