Title: Project Manager – HRT APH Review

Location: Home based or Any MSF Office* – with some travels mainly in Europe

Duration: 5 months, either part time employment contract (30-40%) OR consultancy (up to 45 days)

Reporting to: Organisational Model Change Implementation Executive Committee (OMC)

Deadline to apply: 4 Febraury 2024

*By default, the successful candidate will be offered a contract in the MSF office of their country of residence at the time of application.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural disasters. MSF offers assistance to people based only on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. MSF International is the legal entity that binds MSF’s 23 sections, 25 associations and other offices together. Based in Geneva, MSF International provides coordination, information and support to the MSF movement, and implements international projects and initiatives as requested.


Access to Products for Healthcare (APH) refers to the accessibility, availability, affordability, appropriateness and quality of products for health care for the populations MSF assists and their communities. APH is critical to MSF's Social Mission. MSF has been engaged in a wide variety of ways to improve APH in the past decades. In 2023, the MSF International Board approved the set-up of a new organisational model for APH work in MSF. The model includes the set-up of a new dedicated structure, the APH Structure, which will complement the Movement's work on APH.


The Project Manager for the Humanitarian Representation Team (HRT) and Access to Products for Healthcare (APH) – reports to a Organisational Model Change Implementation Executive Committee (OMC) delegated sub-committee and administratively to the OMC Executive.


1. conduct an analysis and propose recommendations on how the HRT could facilitate representation of APH as per the APH Model requirements

2. design a proposal for the implementation of any relevant recommendation


In close collaboration and with support from the OMC Executive, and programme officers and under the oversight of the OMC delegated sub-committee (composed by the APH Executive Director, the IMS and the IOHRC), the Project Manager will:

Propose a detailed process, establish principles and refine scope for the work required, including:Defining parameters and a framework for the consultations, analysis and recommendations design exercise in line with the newly approved APH organisational model; then: Gathering perspectives of key MSF experts groups (including and not restricted to MSF’s Access Campaign, the HRT secretariat and Network, the GHAN, the RIOD and DirMed, the SEB and relevant interdesk groups) on the HRT current role and experiences in relation to APH related representation (as per the new APH model scope)Pulling together relevant (as per the APH model and APH Structure scope) existing analysis and findings related to representation and advocacy in support to Operations as part of the definition of the APH model, and including, but not restricted to, the GHAN reviewAnalysing and identifying current complementarity, gaps and overlap on the role and mandate of the new APH Structure related to representation and support to Operations and the role of the HRT and any other relevant representation and advocacy unitDesign a series of SMART recommendations in relation to the APH related representation to:

o ensure complementarity, synergies, clarifications of mandates and responsibilities between the HRT and the APH Structure, so as:

o to allow the APH Structure to proceed with the definition of relevant APH representation related positions

o and propose additional positions and/or changes to HRT existing positions if relevant

Collating, synthetising and presenting the outcomes of the different analysis Regularly inform the sub-committee of process and provide updates for guidance. Keep all stakeholders informed as needed at sub-committee and OMC guidance.

Expected final Outcome

Key Deliverable 1 – a proposed process for the consultation, analysis and design of Key Deliverables 1 & 2

Key Deliverable 2 – final report (up to 15 pages), and presentations, on the analysis of HRT APH related representation practices, roles and responsibilities, opportunities and challenges.

Key deliverable 3 - At set of SMART recommendations to

a. guide the establishment of representation related functions and positions which are required to complement provisions established for the APH Structure in the APH Model

b. ensure relevant APH and HRT Structures (and other relevant representation and advocacy units) complement each other to deliver on the priorities established by MSF both on APH and other access topics.

c. allow for the APH Structure to deliver its mandate effectively.

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