Organizational Setting
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributes to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda through the FAO Strategic Framework by supporting the transformation to MORE efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems, for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life, leaving no one behind.
FAO’s commitment to environmental sustainability is integral to our strategic objectives and operations.
FAO is a specialized agency of the UN that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. FAO's goal is to achieve food security for all and ensure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. With 195 Members (194 Nations and the European Union), FAO works in over 130 countries worldwide.
FAO Country Offices, working under overall corporate guidance and in line with the Strategic Framework, offer policy advice and support to countries in the mandated areas of FAO, facilitated through partnerships, resources and an active country programme to provide technical assistance, develop capacities and deliver core services while fully observing international standards of accountability to establish leadership and strengthen impact at the country level.
The offices deliver on the programmatic priorities of each country as agreed in their respective Country Programming Frameworks (CPFs) aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and ensure effective and efficient operations with adequate human and financial resources.
Specifically, FAO Country Offices:
(i) advocate, inform and support policies and investments in the areas of FAO's mandate;
(ii) provide technical assistance and deliver core services;
(iii) assist and catalyse partnership and resource mobilization activities to support agrifood systems transformation;
(iv) position FAO as the specialized/authoritative technical agency in food and agriculture and agrifood systems transformation; and
(v) ensure risk-smart and accountable operations and management.
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) funded project on Ecosystem-based Adaptation for Resilient Watersheds and Communities in Malawi (EbAM) was recently activated, with a total budget of USD 53.2 million. The project aims at building climate resilience in vulnerable watersheds and communities through increasing climate resilience of watershed ecosystems, stabilizing productivity and farmers' incomes and enhancing enabling environment.
The post is located in the FAO Representation in Lilongwe, Malawi.
Reporting Lines
The National Professional Officer (Project Management) reports to the FAO Representative (FAOR).
Technical Focus
Ecosystem-based adaptation, climate-smart agriculture, sustainable watershed and natural resources management, rural development. Project cycle management and operational processing.
Key Results
Effective and efficient coordination and provision of technical and operational support of the programme and project activities of the FAO Representation.
Key Functions
• Liaises and assists government authorities and local, national and international institutions in the areas of FAO's activities in the country and with other UN agencies. He/she may represent FAO at inter-agency meetings as required.
• Promotes the image of FAO through advocacy of the Organization's mandate, programmes, national priorities and activities, including development and maintenance of communication tools (such as website, press releases and publications) and support to implementation of FAO's regulatory framework (Codex Alimentarius, Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, Safe Use of Pesticides, etc.) in the country.
• Coordinates the collection, consolidation and maintenance of country data on food, crops, livestock, forestry and fisheries, including information on external aid in FAO's corporate systems, and monitors changes in national policies affecting the agricultural sector.
• Participates in producing technical, economic and policy studies, as required, and developing country level development frameworks, such as the Country Programming Framework (CPF) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF).
• Participates in the identification, formulation and preparation of programme and project proposals and monitors and reviews the status of programme/project implementation to ensure that all operational activities are carried out in line with the work plan and the project document; identifies inconsistencies and delays and, when necessary, proposes corrective measures to overcome operational constraints.
• Briefs, trains and supervises junior staff; ensures adherence to procedures and work requirements as well as accuracy and diligence of the work provided.
• Performs other duties as required.
Specific Functions
• Assists the International Technical Advisor (ITA) in facilitating project implementation and proper functioning of the project management structure as per the definitions in the project Funding Proposal, including the Central Project Implementation Unit in Lilongwe and the Regional Project Implementation Units in Blantyre and Mzuzu, the Project Steering Committee and the Project Technical Committee.
• Assists the formulation and regular updating of periodic (monthly, quarterly and annual) plans in project work, budget, procurement, monitoring and evaluation, human resources, travel and risk management, in consultation with the FAO EbAM project team, project co-financiers and other partners, to ensure their compliance with the project design and agreements.
• Assists the ITA in coordinating implementation, monitoring and reporting of the approved project plans to ensure their compliance with the project results framework, the FAO Manual on Project Cycle Management and relevant GCF guidelines.
• Contributes to EbAM operational processing, including contracting and management of Operational Partner's Implementing Modalities (OPIMs), Letters of Agreement (LOAs) and other sub-contracts, in compliance with FAO corporate guidelines, Country Office standard operational procedures (SOPs) and Operational Partner Agreements (OPAs) signed with project implementing partners.
• Supports project budget and finance management, to ensure GCF and co-financiers' resources are allocated, utilized and monitored effectively. Laise with project co-financiers to facilitate and monitor timely and adequate allocation of their co-financing contributions in line with the signed Project Agreement. Inform the ITA of any issue spotted in this regard.
• Facilitates procurement processing to ensure services, supplies and goods required by the project are timely processed and delivered as per FAO procurement policy.
• Facilitates collaboration between the partners of the project, in particular project co-financers, to ensure adequate stakeholders' engagement throughout the project cycle.
• Contributes to partnership building with FAO internal offices and external partners, including government departments, donor community, UN agencies, academia institutions, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector.
• Facilitates supervision of OPIM implementation through spot checks and audits, and independent project mid-term and final evaluations in close cooperation with the Country Office Monitoring and Evaluation (M-E) and Information Management Section and the FAO Independent Office of Evaluation (OED).
• Contributes to preparation and review of project documentations, including meeting minutes, workshop proceedings, knowledge products and communication materials such as briefing notes, project summary, newsletter, etc., prior to endorsement and approvals by the ITA, FAOR and Lead Technical Officer.
• Assists the ITA in developing and implementing project communication strategy and outreaching activities, to disseminate EbAM approach, implementation progress, success stories and best practices through establishing and updating EbAM webpage, social media, press releases, and other communication tools, to raise the visibility of the project interventions and impacts.
• Provides technical services to EbAM implementation on matters related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, climate-smart agriculture, sustainable watershed and natural resources management and ecosystem conservation.
• Performs other duties assigned by the ITA.
Minimum Requirements
• National of the country of assignment.
• Advanced university degree in agriculture, agricultural economics, forestry, fisheries or any other field related to the work of the Organization.
• Three years of relevant experience in agricultural development and/or project implementation in an area of FAO's activities in the country.
• Working knowledge (proficiency - level C) of English.
• Results Focus
• Teamwork
• Communication
• Building Effective Relationships
• Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement
Technical/Functional Skills
• Knowledge and experience in climate change adaptation and mitigation, climate-smart agriculture, watershed and natural resources management, and ecosystem-based adaptation.
• Experience and strength in project cycle management with UN agencies.
• Experience and strength in multidisciplinary team coordination and supervision.
• Experience in working on GCF funded projects.
This vacancy is archived.