Monitoring and early warning:

- Monitoring of the humanitarian situation in the assigned geographical areas (focal point).

- Identifying, updating and capitalising on sources of information (direct and/or indirect) on Food Security, Livelihoods and Cash Transfers (FSL and CBIs), with special emphasis on assigned geographical areas.

- Contribute to the drafting and dissemination of humanitarian crisis reports, with special emphasis on assigned geographical areas.

Disaster preparedness:

- Identify strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities in the area of FSL and CBIs between missions and the organisation's overall emergency response system.

- Lead the implementation and/or update of contingency plans in the missions of the assigned geographical areas, in accordance with the methodology designed by the Emergency Pool.

- Attend and deliver training related to the FSL and CBIs area

- Design, capitalise and update tools for emergency interventions in the area of FSL and CBIs

- Contribute to the appropriate management of Action Against Hunger emergency agreements and/or projects, actively participating in their identification, formulation, planning, implementation and reporting.

Emergency Contexts:

1. Pre-deployment phase:

  • Contact with actors related to the areas of FSL and CBIs in the field.
  • Capitalisation and dissemination within the team of field information related to their sector of intervention.
  • Briefing of FSL and CBIs to the rest of the members of the Emergency Pool.

2. Implementation of emergency interventions:

  • Identification of priority areas for intervention, vulnerable population and unmet needs.
  • Design of the intervention strategy in FSL and CBIs.
  • Definition of concept papers and projects to respond to the emergency.
  • Launch of emergency activities and selection of the necessary equipment for the implementation of FSL and CBI interventions.
  • Launch of a context monitoring system and projects.
  • Facilitate the handover of competencies and/or contribute to the definition of an exit strategy.
  • Actively contribute to the security analysis in the field, and provide its recommendations.

3. Coordination:

  • Coordination with other members of the emergency pool.
  • Support to the Country Director (or Emergency Coordinator) in donor representation.
  • Coordination with the rest of the actors intervening in the area in the field of FSL and CBIs.
  • Communication and coordination with the technical department

4. Capitalisation:

  • All relevant information on the emergency and the intervention developed should be capitalised.
  • A critical analysis of the intervention in FSL and CBIs including recommendations and suggestions for future interventions should be presented at the end of the field mission.

Exploratory Missions

1. Preparing the identification process

- Gather and review available information

- Travel to the area and rapid reconnaissance

- Obtain an overall picture of the crisis situation, identify the first needs of the population and specify the sectors requiring priority action.

- Identification of needs and definition of the main axes of intervention.

2. Analysis of the information

  • Establish the severity of the problem. Definition of the intervention strategy
  • Conclusions and recommendations. Formulate an action plan, determining the necessary resources.
  • Elaboration of concept notes and proposals for donors.
  • Capitalisation of all the information gathered and analysed..

Supporting ongoing missions and Gap-Fillings

  1. Support to ongoing programmes requiring reinforcement in human resources.
  • Support in the implementation of programmes
  • Support in the design of the intervention strategy in FSL and CBIs.
  • Support in the definition of concept notes and projects.
  1. Coordination:
  • Coordination with the rest of the members of the mission.
  • Coordination with the rest of the actors intervening in the area in the field of FSL and CBIs.
  • Communication and coordination with the technical department

Technical Development

  • Support to cross-cutting projects in annual headquarters programming.
  • Capitalisation of emergency interventions.
  • Preparation of articles for publication.
  • Development of tools and technical reference documents for emergency teams in the field.
  • Identify topics on which research work needs to be carried out.
  • Contribute as necessary to the implementation, monitoring, review, translation, validation and management of agreements, activations and/or emergency projects of Action Against Hunger and its missions, including from proposals to final reports.

To apply for this job, you must visit our recruitment website at the following link:

Accion Contra El Hambre - Trabaja con Nosotros (

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