Title: Advisor to the RIOD

Location: Any MSF office

Contract: Permanent, full-time position

Reporting to: International Operations and Humanitarian Representation Coordinator

Deadline to apply: 21 May 2024

Compensation and benefits: MSF practice is to offer the C&B package current in the MSF entity establishing the contract.

*By default, the successful candidate will be offered a contract in the MSF office of their country of residence at the time of application.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural disasters. MSF offers assistance to people based only on need and irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.

MSF International is the legal entity that binds MSF’s 24 sections, 25 associations and other offices together. Based in Geneva, MSF International provides coordination, information, and support to the MSF Movement, as well as implements international projects and initiatives as requested. MSF International also provides administrative support to the MSF Access Campaign.


The Advisor works with and reports to the International Operations and Humanitarian Representation Coordinator (IOHRC) in the coordination of the RIOD platform;

The IOHRC and the Advisor collaborate to ensure that the RIOD platform fulfills its role and responsibilities. The Advisor will be in charge of drafting the RIOD’s agenda and outcomes, will follow up on the implementation of common decisions and action points, will draft and monitor the RIOD’s workplan and will advise on content for the RIOD led strategic dossiers. In absence of the IOHRC, the Advisor facilitates the RIOD meetings (ad-hoc and planned) and other specific/thematic meetings organized by or on behalf of the RIOD.


The Advisor contributes to build on the RIOD’s strategic ambitions and orientations, as specified in the platform’s TOR. Key objectives include:

Identifying where common frameworks need to be applied (eg. ISA, HCA) and ensuring adequate resources for their implementation. Ensuring coherence between field and global representation towards external actors, geographic complementarity of projects, communication strategies and security approaches. Initiating information-sharing at the onset of a crisis to identify complementarities, potential inconsistencies and ensure mutual support. Ensuring constructive collaboration between desks through support of the Interdesk Forums and informing the RIOD of major divergences or decisions that need to be made upstream.


1) Strategic support to the RIOD’s platform functioning and RIOD-led initiatives.

Acts as the main entry point to the RIOD, providing strategic support to the platform’s performance and implementation of RIOD-led projects. Ensures efficiency and accountability of the platform through planning and structuring meetings, organizing agendas, writing the outcomes, recording decisions, and following-up on action points.Manages and organizes information on the RIOD files and is responsible of the RIOD SharePoint.Collaborates closely with the Intersection Security Agreement (ISA) program manager to monitor the implementation of the RIOD’s action points (HR restrictions, Duty of care, ISA review, etc) ensuring alignment and follow up.Prepares and presents findings on specific intersection reviews (e.g, Interdesk Review, Operations’ Footprint, Emergency Response Review, case studies on engagement during crises), or RIOD-led dossiers (CAT2 plan discrimination, Operations Footprint, EMT’s briefing note), providing recommendations and suggestions for ways forward.

2) Monitoring and advise to ensure the appropriate interaction between RIOD and other relevant platforms in the movement.

Ensures necessary connections amongst the RIOD’s work and the initiatives and dossiers followed up by other platforms in the movement:Works with the different platform’s officers and coordinators, to support connected projects and initiatives, ensuring proactive exchange, alignment, and synergy. In particular, with the initiatives developed by the EXCOM, MEDOPs and DIRCOMMS and, when relevant, if related to the social mission, with other platforms.Puts forward RIOD concerns and needs on initiatives or projects affecting field operations.Represents the RIOD in the RSA4 Advisory Group.

3) Facilitating the adequate interaction between the RIOD priorities and the HRT’s work.

Acts as liaison between the RIOD/HRT and other stakeholders in the movement mainly on operational, transversal, and intersectional files.Ensures, in collaboration with the IOHRC, that interdesk work facilitated by HRT focal points is aligned to RIOD’s work and priorities. Provides short-term support to HOMs in periods of acute crises which require scaling up engagement efforts. Ensures, in collaboration with the IOHRC, that the RIOD priorities/stakes are reflected in the HRT work.

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