Only candidates who are not nationals of the country of assignment are eligible to apply to this position

Hardship LevelE (most hardship)

Family TypeNon Family with Residential LocationDanger Pay

Residential location (if applicable)

Budapest, Hungary


Staff Member / Affiliate TypeProfessional

* Staff members will not normally serve in International Professional positions in the country of their nationality. In addition, in case of a first appointment upon recruitment, the assignment must be outside the staff member’s country of nationality.

In practical terms this means that you are not eligible to apply for International Professional vacancies advertised in the country where you are national of.

ReasonRegular > Regular Assignment

Remote work acceptedNo

Target Start Date2023-11-01

Job Posting End DateNovember 9, 2023

Standard Job Description

Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer

Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
In complex humanitarian emergencies where UNHCR is designated as the CCCM Cluster Lead Agency under the Cluster Approach, the Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer performs a dedicated coordination, strategy development and advocacy function. The incumbent reports directly to the UNHCR Representative who has final accountability for the performance of UNHCR as Cluster Lead Agency. S/he liaises with the Global CCCM Cluster Coordinator who has global responsibility for the performance of UNHCR as Global CCCM Cluster Lead Agency for conflict displacement.
The Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer effectuates UNHCR's commitment to work within the framework of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) and the Cluster Approach. The UNHCR CCCM Cluster Lead Agency functions, embodied in the role of the Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer, are critical in ensuring UNHCR¿s leadership within a diverse CCCM community. The incumbent is expected to perform UNHCR's lead role in the CCCM Cluster and to impartially represent the interests of the members of the CCCM Cluster, including the provision of active support, as applicable, to sub-national clusters which may be coordinated by other Agencies. As a result, the incumbent leads an inter-agency team in an environment that requires high standards of accountability and demonstrable leadership, coordination, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, and in which the principles of partnership and collaboration are essential.
The Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer represents the CCCM Cluster in Inter-Cluster Coordination mechanisms. The incumbent ensures appropriate cross-sectoral coordination with other related clusters such as WASH, Shelter, Protection (HLP) and others, advocates for CCCM in the humanitarian response, leads the mainstreaming of early recovery activities in the CCCM Cluster, and spearheads the integration of cross-cutting issues into the work of the CCCM Cluster.
The Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer works closely with and/or directly supervises a multi-functional CCCM Cluster Support team, including, but not limited to, the areas of information management, needs assessment, technical support, reporting and advocacy.

All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR¿s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.

Strategic Direction and Coordination
- Ensure that UNHCR delivers on its commitments and accountability as co-lead of the Global CCCM Cluster, which in turn is able to support preparedness and provides the technical capabilities needed for timely, effective and well-coordinated interagency humanitarian response to needs of management and coordination in camp and camp-like settings.
- Reaffirm UNHCR¿s leadership of the Global CCCM Cluster through the provision of relevant contributions to the IASC bodies, GCCG as well as global initiatives, which include quality input from CCCM partners while also being informed and guided by operational experiences and realities.
- Provide high-quality advice for decision-making and operational responses relevant for CCCM at country-level and throughout the life-cycle of a crisis, ensure they are tailored to the country/regional context (such as guidelines, protection considerations).
- Take a lead in the development of a National CCCM Cluster Strategy within a consultative process including CCCM partners and the local government and ensure that the CCCM response is driven by this strategy.
- Ensure that the CCCM Strategy is integrated into the Humanitarian Country Team¿s common humanitarian action plan.
- Update as appropriate the CCCM Strategy: ensure proper linkages with Protection, DRR, relief, recovery and development efforts. Ensure that appropriate transitional measures are in place for handing over to recovery and development actors.
- Support activities of the Global CCCM Cluster and its partners and their funding by a broad/diversified donor base.
- Ensure UNHCR leadership in IDP response capitalizes on the actively sought-after synergies between the three clusters it (co)leads.
- Represent UNHCR in inter-agency cluster processes, establish and maintain appropriate contacts with other UN agencies, NGOs and other actors so as to foster effective mechanisms to facilitate collaboration and exchange of information on IDP situations.
- Lead the development and/or update of the contingency planning and emergency preparedness measures.
- Advise Country Operation(s) on how to set up and mainstream CCCM processes with the country team and at the points of delivery, design and deliver relevant trainings and workshops as well as develop tools to increase knowledge and competence in camp management as well as enhance coherence and quality in the delivery of all key stakeholders in this area.
- Participate in internal and inter-agency emergency missions to reinforce and assist Field Operations in the assessment of co-ordination and management measures being put in place for effective delivery of UNHCR services or other humanitarian responses for which UNHCR is a Cluster lead.
- Partner with other humanitarian actors to plan and evaluate IDP cluster approaches to Camp Coordination and Management, ensuring that latest lessons learnt and best practices are widely disseminated for replication and where possible, are formulated into policy guidelines to further improve humanitarian response to IDP situations.
- Maintain effective collaboration and communication with partners and key stakeholders, in line with the Global CCCM Cluster strategic framework, mobilizing support and buy-in where necessary and appropriate for specific country-level interventions and regional/global initiatives and activities.
- Strive for coherence of Global CCCM Cluster¿s policies, standards, tools, guidance and approaches with UNHCR's , to ensure integration and synergy between UNHCR¿s agency role and interagency engagement in management and coordination of camps and camp-like settings through the Global CCCM Cluster and where needed, initiate measures to promote complementarity and understanding.
- Lead the evaluation of the cluster¿s performance. Based on the feedback of this evaluation, work with CCCM Cluster members to develop a plan of response to improve the cluster¿s performance.

Needs Assessment, Resources Mobilization and Allocation
- Lead, coordinate and conduct within the CCCM Cluster, and at Inter-Cluster level, coordinated needs assessments, including ensuring that there are comprehensive and effective assessments of needs at a site level that allow humanitarian actors to respond effectively in a prioritised manner.
- Ensure that the CCCM Cluster addresses all of the identified needs of the affected population and/or brings/identifies the appropriate service provider to do so.
- Ensure integration of agreed priority cross-cutting issues in sectoral needs assessment, analysis, planning, monitoring and response (e.g. age, diversity, environment, gender, HIV/AIDS and human rights); contribute to the development of appropriate strategies to address these issues; ensure gender sensitive programming and promote gender equality, ensure that the needs, contributions and capacities of women and girls as well as men and boys are addressed.
- Provide transparent strategic direction to development of common funding criteria, resource mobilisation and prioritization within the CCCM Cluster for inclusion in Consolidated Appeals and pooled funds processes.
- Establish mechanisms for accountable and transparent financial resource allocation within the cluster.

Capacity Development
- Ensure CCCM staff and Partners at country level are able to access guidance as well as the necessary tools, resources and support to recognize and respond effectively to the protection needs/risks of crisis-affected populations in the context of communal (camp and camp-like) settings throughout the cycle of a crisis.
- Coordinate the delivery of CCCM and/or CM training activities for CCCM Cluster members, other local partners, and relevant authorities.
- Coordinate initiatives to build the CCCM capacity of the national and local government, partners and civil society, including working collaboratively with government authorities and partners to ensure that there is sufficient capacity to effectively manage formal displacement sites across the country.

Standard Setting and Implementation
- Ensure that the CCCM response is informed by appropriate relevant standards, such as those in the SPHERE guidelines and the UNHCR Emergency Handbook, and by accepted good practices.
- Foster appropriate collaboration with CCCM response-related clusters of Shelter, Early Recovery, Education, Health, Logistics, Multi-Purpose Cash, Protection, WASH, the RRM mechanism, Coordination and Common Services and Emergency Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in the work of the CCCM Cluster.
- Coordinate the integration of cross-cutting issues in the work of the CCCM Cluster, including age, gender, environment and diversity, community-based approach and the participatory involvement of the beneficiaries.
- Promote the use of the Guidelines on Age, Gender and Diversity Mainstreaming.
- Through Cluster-wide consultative processes, provide input into the development of global CCCM policy and standards led by the Global CCCM Cluster.

Information Management, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting
- Take a lead in the development of a functional information management strategy and reporting/information sharing mechanisms within the CCCM Cluster; with the other IASC clusters; the government; the larger humanitarian community, including donors; UNHCR internal mechanisms; and with the Global CCCM Cluster co-lead agencies and partners.
- Ensure that the CCCM Cluster produces analytical reports, including with regard to the trends and patterns of protection risks, and population movements, and promote that the information on affected population is disaggregated by sex and age.
- Ensure that the CCCM Cluster produces regular updates on the concerns of the affected population, the response by CCCM actors, the gaps, challenges and recommendations.
- Promote and ensure monitoring and evaluation of the impact of operations carried out by cluster members and the performance of the coordination team.

Advocacy and Promotion
- Identify core advocacy concerns for the CCCM Cluster through a consultative process: develop joint cluster/ inter-cluster initiatives to ensure regular and consistent advocacy.
- Ensure a consistent interpretation and application of international law and related UNHCR and IASC legal standards and policies for the adequate provision of services.
- Ensure the CCCM Cluster's adherence to international human rights instruments, the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement as well as other relevant international and regional instruments; in cooperation with the Humanitarian Country Team.

- Lead risk assessments and discussions with team(s) to proactively manage risks and seize opportunities impacting objectives. Ensure that risk management principles are integrated in decision-making both at strategic and operational levels. Allocate resources for planned treatments with resource requirements in Strategic Plans. Ensure that risks are managed to acceptable levels and escalate, as needed. If a Risk Owner, designate the Risk Focal Point and certify that the annual risk review is completed and ensure that the risk register is updated during the year, as needed.
- Perform other related duties as required.

Minimum Qualifications

Years of Experience / Degree Level
For P4/NOD - 9 years relevant experience with Undergraduate degree; or 8 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 7 years relevant experience with Doctorate degree

Field(s) of Education
Law; Political Science; Economics; International Relations;
Business Administration; Social Science; or other relevant field.

Certificates and/or Licenses
CCCM Cluster Coordination
Camp Coordination & Camp Mgmt
HCR Coordination Lrng Prog
HCR Management Lrng Prg
Tri-Cluster Knowledge and Coordination Skills Training
Emergency Mgmt Workshop
(Certificates and Licenses marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Relevant Job Experience
Minimum 5 years humanitarian international experience in senior management positions in refugee and internal displacement situations. Knowledge of Cluster mechanisms, UN coordination systems and the Humanitarian Programme Cycle, familiarity with development and peace coordination systems. Very good knowledge and experience of UNHCR and interagency policies, standards, programmes and humanitarian operations in a variety of geographical locations and operational contexts, in particular as related to internal displacement. Demonstrated leadership, coordination experience and technical expertise in multi-sectorial field coordination and management in camp and camp-like settings with particular focus on conflict-related emergencies and contexts. Good general knowledge of various technical sectors and their inter-relations. Trained and familiarity with protection as well as other cross-cutting issues like, gender and diversity, age, disability, HLP and environment. Good and proven knowledge in UNHCR operations and management. Broad operational experience including 'first responder' contexts across a variety of geographical locations. Familiarity with planning, programming and implementation for humanitarian operations at the Field and global levels, including strategic planning, project development, budgeting and resource mobilization. Flexible, adaptable and able to work effectively in different social and cultural environments and in challenging and stressful conditions. Strong managerial, coordination, representation and teambuilding skills.

Flexible and able to work both in teams and independently in a result oriented multi-tasking and multi-cultural environment and manage conflicting priorities. Ability to represent the Organization at various levels. Knowledge of UNHCR's mandate for protection and solutions and relevant policies. Knowledge of evidence-based planning approaches, methods and tools. Proven ability to bring creative and innovative solutions to complex challenges.

Functional Skills
CL-Camp Coordination and Camp Management
PR-CCCM Technical Guidelines and Standards
CL-Cluster Information Management Tools, Resources and Approaches
PR-Country Operations applying the Cluster Approach
ER-Inter-Agency Leadership/Coordination
CO-Drafting and Documentation
ED-Adult education and training
TR-Training - Virtual and face to face
PR-Community-based Protection - Principles and methodologies
PR-Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD)
CL-Strategy Development and Monitoring
MG-Organisational Development
PG-Results-Based Management
(Functional Skills marked with an asterisk* are essential)

Language Requirements
For International Professional and Field Service jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English.
For National Professional jobs: Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English and local language.
For General Service jobs: Knowledge of English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English

All UNHCR workforce members must individually and collectively, contribute towards a working environment where each person feels safe, and empowered to perform their duties. This includes by demonstrating no tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse, harassment including sexual harassment, sexism, gender inequality, discrimination and abuse of power.

As individuals and as managers, all must be proactive in preventing and responding to inappropriate conduct, support ongoing dialogue on these matters and speaking up and seeking guidance and support from relevant UNHCR resources when these issues arise.

This is a Standard Job Description for all UNHCR jobs with this job title and grade level. The Operational Context may contain additional essential and/or desirable qualifications relating to the specific operation and/or position. Any such requirements are incorporated by reference in this Job Description and will be considered for the screening, shortlisting and selection of candidates.

Desired Candidate Profile The incumbent should have a demonstrated experience in protection and have a strong understanding of the work of the organization in IDP responses, IDP and refugee return, as well as durable solutions framework in IDP context. UNHCR experience, including with IDP coordination and knowledge of IASC processes are essential. Prior experience in urban settings in middle income countries is an added value. In addition, the candidate is to be familiar with community-based protection approaches, durable solutions and government coordination. Added value is experience in working with ombudsman office.

Strong interpersonal skills and a mature approach are necessary to effectively manage the team and coordinate with a variety of multi-functional stakeholders internally and externally. The incumbent is expected to be a leader, team-player, forward-looking, operational, and solutions-oriented. In addition, s/he should provide space and lead open and new innovative approaches in CCCM Coordination.

Required languages (expected Overall ability is at least B2 level):



Desired languages



Operational context

Nature of Position:

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been working in Ukraine since 1994, initially facilitating the repatriation of Crimean Tatars and supporting the government of Ukraine in providing protection services and assistance to refugees and stateless persons. In 2014, UNHCR’s operation significantly expanded to assist people internally displaced (IDPs) from the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and IDPs and conflict-affected people from the Donbas. Following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, UNHCR has further scaled up its presence and operation across the country and now has offices in Kyiv, Dnipro, Vinnytsia, Lviv, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsi, Odesa. In line with its protection and durable solutions mandate for displaced and stateless populations, and relevant Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) guidance, UNHCR - through its field offices and partners - supports the Ukrainian authorities to provide humanitarian services and assistance to those most affected and made vulnerable by the ongoing war, including by supporting people’s access to essential services, exercise of rights, inclusion in national services, and attainment of long-term and sustainable solutions. Within the inter-agency humanitarian response, UNHCR leads the coordination of the Protection, the Shelter/NFI and the Camp Coordination Camp Management (CCCM) Clusters.

Following the full-scale invasion, hundreds of thousands of the most vulnerable internally displaced people sought shelter in collective sites. Most IDP sites are state-owned public premises, often not designed to host people, with poor infrastructure, sub-standard living conditions and limited access to services. This has, in many cases, placed significant pressure on local budgets, particularly as limited or no additional funds were allocated for this purpose. Local authorities manage most IDP sites, however, site managers are of different backgrounds and often lack the skills and do not have experience in dealing with diverse groups of IDPs, which can exacerbate IDP vulnerabilities and introduce barriers to accessing services. Moreover, due to decentralisation in Ukraine, different government bodies oversee the collective sites. Improving living conditions in the collective centres, strengthening self-governance among residents of collective sites, and identifying and securing mid-term and durable solutions are critical challenges. Furthermore, with recent legislation changes, the CCCM cluster is to take a pro-active approach to consolidation of sites, as well as seek durable solutions for people living in collective centers. Given the highly developed context, strong government leadership and care for its IDPs, and the structural factors, the CCCM response in Ukraine is very different from the traditional CCCM work of UNHCR and cluster partners in camp settings. The incumbent is expected to have a strong background in protection and be forward looking to seek pro-active solutions for people living in collective sites.

The Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer is based in the UNHCR Country Office in Kyiv and supervises the CCCM cluster team countrywide. The incumbent is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the CCCM Cluster response in Ukraine, providing technical support and guidance to CCCM partners, ensuring that CCCM activities are in line with evolving new context in Ukraine and to ensure a coherent and effective response. The incumbent is expected to provide high-quality advice for decision-making and operational responses relevant for CCCM at country-level and throughout the life-cycle of the emergency, ensuring interventions are tailored towards durable solution for people living in collective sites. The Senior CCCM Cluster Coordination Officer represents the CCCM cluster in inter-agency fora as well as government coordination mechanisms where appropriate, establishing and maintaining appropriate contacts with other UN agencies, NGOs, government and local authorities, and participates in inter-agency missions to reinforce and assist the team in the field. The incumbent guarantees a robust monitoring and evaluation plan for CCCM interventions, ensuring indicators are in place to measure progress and impact, and that data is adequately collected, analysed and reported in a timely manner, including via internal and external updates.

The Senior CCCM Cluster Coordinator, under the overall authority of the UNHCR Deputy Representative as the head of Cluster Lead Agency, works in close collaboration with the other UNHCR-led clusters (Protection and Shelter/NFI). The UNHCR-led Clusters work together to build synergies and promote complementarity of interventions to capitalise on the comparative advantages of cluster partners and promote effective leadership, coordination, advocacy, and operational delivery to affected populations.


The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been present in Ukraine since 1994 and substantially increased its presence and response after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The geographical presence within Ukraine has significatively expanded to deliver the emergency response. The country office is located in the capital, Kyiv, and sub- and field offices, as well as field units, are located in Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Kyiv, L’viv, Odesa, Poltava, Uzhhorod and Vinnytsia. The current set-up is the foundation for the 2024 structure, which, however, may need to be continuously reviewed and adjusted in response to the evolving operational environment.

The war in Ukraine has caused death and suffering on a dramatic scale and left at least 17.6 million people in urgent need of humanitarian assistance and protection. At the end of September 2023, some 5 million people are estimated to be internally displaced, while around 6 million refugees from Ukraine have been recorded across Europe, most of them women and children. Ukraine also hosts a few thousand asylum-seekers and refugees and is home to more than 35,000 people who are stateless or at risk of statelessness.

The massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, with the energy sector being particularly targeted has made life unbearable for millions of people who have lost their homes and livelihoods, and has severely disrupted access to electricity, water, heating as well as critical services, including healthcare, education and social protection services. Humanitarian access continues to be hampered, particularly in areas in the East under the temporary military control of the Russian Federation.

Civilians remain exposed to serious risks to their physical security and integrity, particularly in eastern and southern regions of Ukraine. The risk of GBV, including sexual violence, is high particularly in areas of active hostilities. The separation of families is one of the problems most reported by protection actors, particularly following displacement. Populations displaced or affected by the war live in situations of deprivation, following the loss or damage of their housing, loss of incomes, and the lack of access to essential services, such as health care or education.

The Government of Ukraine maintains a strong lead role in responding to the needs of its population and UNHCR supports the Government and its central and local institutions to provide protection, shelter/housing, cash and in-kind assistance to people impacted by the war. Currently, UNHCR has MOUs with three line ministries, 17 regional state administrations and agreements with 29 partners, mainly local NGOs. Under the leadership of the UN Humanitarian Coordinator, UNHCR operates as part of the inter-agency humanitarian response, working in close coordination with local authorities and humanitarian partners. UNHCR is leading three clusters - Protection, Shelter and NFIs, and CCCM and is part of the Durable Solutions Steering Committee.

The strategic orientation of UNHCR’s response is to reach people with specific vulnerabilities who remain in frontline and heavily affected areas with immediate relief while supporting displaced people and those who have remained in their homes, or returned, with protection advice, housing support and cash assistance to enable their recovery and attainment of durable solutions.

Protection is truly at the centre of this response, as the highest critical needs of the population caused by the international armed conflict are in the area of protection, and UNHCR leads this sector through the Protection Cluster. The Assistant Representative (protection) is therefore not only a key member of the senior management team in the Operation, s/he also regularly represents UNHCR in meetings/conferences, before donors and on the Humanitarian Country Team and in other fora where protection strategies and programmatic responses are developed. Since Ukraine is a highly sophisticated country with a strong government leadership and well-established administrative, social protection and digital systems, it is essential to design and deliver UNHCR’s protection programs in a way which simultaneously addresses immediate needs and supports the further development of sustainable and inclusive national protection systems.

As an EU candidate country, Ukraine will also embark on substantial reforms in numerous sectors, including justice and home affairs, which presents an opportunity to contribute to strengthened and more inclusive protection, asylum and statelessness reduction systems. Working closely with government authorities, local community representatives and partners from the embassies, UN, civil society and international financial institutions, amongst others, is thus key to ensuring that UNHCR’s response is closely aligned with and complementary of national and local strategies and recovery plans.

As the war continues, new urgent humanitarian needs are created every day, alongside protracted ones and peoples’ and communities’ efforts to recover and rebuild their lives in war-torn communities. Among the some 5 million IDPs and 6 million refugees from Ukraine, the majority express a hope and desire to return to their homes as soon as the security situation allows. The protection needs of the population thus need to be analysed and addressed both from a humanitarian as well as from an early recovery and durable solutions perspective, with UNHCR playing a leading role in this work.

Working and Living conditions:

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been present in Ukraine since 1994 but has increased its presence by a substantially larger scale up in the operation’s structure, staffing and response after the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The geographical presence within Ukraine has significatively expanded to deliver the emergency response. The Country Office is based in Kyiv and new operational offices have been established in the central and western regions. UNHCR now has direct operational presence in Chernivtsi, Dnipro, Kyiv, L’viv, Odesa, Poltava, Uzhhorod and Vinnytsia. The current structure will be continuously reviewed and adjusted in response to the evolving operational environment.

International and national staff live in private apartments in the cities of their duty stations. The quality of life is high, as Ukraine is a developed country with functioning infrastructure. However, the volatile security situation, which includes frequent missile and drone attacks that trigger air raid alarms, affects the living and working environment on a more or less daily basis, including during the winter when energy infrastructure has been attacked.


There is an ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine and parts of some oblasts, including Donetska, Luhanska, Khersonska, and Zaporizka oblasts, are temporarily controlled by the Russian Federation Armed Forces. The Line of Contact (LoC) is the primary area of kinetic military operations, particularly in the east (Donbas) and southeast regions. Cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, aero-ballistic missiles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been targeting vital civilian and military sites, including airports, since the start of the invasion. As a result, commercial air travel is suspended, and vehicles and trains are the only modes of transportation.

Critical energy and transportation infrastructure have also been targeted in large-scale aerial attacks since October 2022, resulting in frequent power outages and connectivity issues. These conditions may lead to additional challenges during the upcoming winter season, affecting staff safety and well-being. The UN has not been targeted and retains its impartiality and neutrality when delivering its mandate. However, the danger cannot be fully ruled out, and risks to personnel and dependents, assets, and programmatic activities remain extant.

UN Security Management System (UNSMS) is using comprehensive Security Risk Management (SRM) processes to identify and evaluate security threats and risk levels, which are regularly reviewed. Currently, the most significant threats and hazards are associated with armed conflict, with current risk levels ranging from “high” to “very high” or “unacceptable” in areas with ongoing hostilities. This has resulted in a reduction of humanitarian space, making it difficult and sometimes impossible to access beneficiaries in contested areas. When assessing risk levels, the security personnel and the UNHCR Representative, as part of the country’s Security Management Team, adhere to the SRM process as defined by the UNSMS. However, it's important to note that, in general, the projected risk levels in all three SRM areas where the UN/HCR operates are “high”.

Therefore, those applying for positions in Ukraine should be prepared to work in a highly dynamic security environment where unexpected events occur frequently. Air raids are common, and staff may be required to work from bunkers or underground carparks, metro stations, and other locations for extended periods. Power and water outages could be expected during the winter months and disruptions to public services such as shops and restaurants may occur. Curfews are in place throughout the country, and mission travel must be authorized by the Representative or designated managers, subject to the completion of mandatory BSAFE, SSAFE, and IFAK training and security clearance procedures.

The security unit works closely with UNDSS to ensure that program activities can be implemented within the acceptable level of risk by following the required measures and procedures set up and approved by the Designated Official. Due to the evolving operational and security environment in the country, UNHCR is flexible and may relocate its offices to better serve its mandate of providing protection and assistance to those in need.

Additional Qualifications


EducationBachelor of Arts (BA): Business Administration, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Economics, Bachelor of Arts (BA): International Relations, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Law, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Political Science, Bachelor of Arts (BA): Social Science

CertificationsCamp Coordination and Camp Management - UNHCR, CCCM Cluster Coordination - UNHCR, Emergency Management Workshop - UNHCR, HCR Coordination Learning Program - UNHCR, HCR Management Learning Program - UNHCR, Tri_Cluster Knowledge/Coord Skills - Other

Work Experience

CompetenciesAccountability, Client & results orientation, Commitment to continuous learning, Communication, Empowering & building trust, Innovation & creativity, Judgement & decision making, Leadership, Managing performance, Managing resource, Organizational awareness, Political awareness, Strategic planning & visions, Teamwork & collaboration

UNHCR Salary Calculator

Compendium Bi-annual Compendium 2023 Part B - October 2023

Additional Information

Functional clearanceThis position requires Functional Clearance

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