Back How to behave in UN interview via Skype or Zoom? (Part 1)

This guide does NOT offer advice on the choice or use of different IT programs. The principal systems currently in use are Zoom and Skype for Business. Information on these programs is abundantly available.

This guide concentrates on the way in which candidates can most efficiently deploy their professional skills in communication and persuasion in the new working environment.

It aims to distill existing experience into a set of principles that we hope will enable everyone to approach a remote interview with confidence and do their job effectively.

It is, of course, acknowledged that not everyone will have multiple devices, additional IT equipment or a private home office during ‘lockdown’ and candidates may therefore need

to adapt this advice to best fit their circumstances.

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Understand the Software that you will use:

  • Test the technology before the interview, including the camera, microphone and sound settings.
  • Know how to turn the camera on and off, how to mute the microphone and to adjust the volume.
  • Be aware that sometimes the camera/video can be turned off by the interviewer and the sound muted by default when you join a hearing electronically.
  • Decide how many screens you intend to use during the hearing. You may use two screens: one for video connection and one for notes and prompts.
  • Join the interview in good time before it is due to start to resolve any technological issues.
  • If something does go wrong (the interviewer drops offline, for instance, or some connection fails) pause until it is sorted out.
  • There are some distractions, like people joining and leaving calls, that you may have to ignore. But you should not be afraid, if that happens, to go back and repeat a point or a question.
  • Should the technological problem concern the internet or Wi-Fi connection, it is helpful to have an alternative method of communication that is not reliant on either like 4G.
  • If there is a technical failure that cannot be fixed send an email to the interviewer and explain the situation.

Prepare yourself and your room/office for the interview.

Avoid setting your device to the highest volume, since this is likely to cause feedback when you are speaking.

  • Maintain eye contact with the camera. This will ensure you appear to be looking at your audience.
  • The thumbnail image of the person you are speaking to may be at the bottom of the screen when the camera on your device is above the screen.

If so, this will give the appearance that you are looking down or away from your audience.

  • Ensure that you are clearly visible by maintaining a reasonable distance from the camera, to show your head and upper body.

Too close and your image may blur and fill the screen, too far and you will appear distant and detached from the hearing.

  • Some cameras zoom in and out depending on the movement of the subject. This should be avoided.
  • Advise everyone to be mindful if using Skype for Business, that the camera records a wider area than one sees on one’s own screen.
  • If you are using the camera on your laptop, typing will be visible to participants and may cause the camera (and your image) to shake.
  • Remember that others are watching even if you cannot see them.

In cases involving multiple participants, thumbnail video images may appear on screen, but these thumbnails often move off-screen to allow participants to see the face of the person talking.

More information you may find in our recruitment Guide.

How to behave in the UN interview via Skype or Zoom? (Part 1)

Read our guide 5 Steps to the United Nations!