Mercy Corps is powered by the belief that a better world is possible. To do this, we know our teams do their best work when they are diverse and every team member feels that they belong. We welcome diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and skills so that we can be stronger and have long term impact. The Program Mercy Corps has been operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since August 2007, with a staff of around 400 people working in Eastern DRC, with the overall country goal being to support vulnerable communities through crises, while fostering programs that build resilience and promote long-term change. Mercy Corps’ national office is in Goma with sub-field offices in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri. Mercy Corps DRC’s key programming areas include a combination of longer-term development and immediate humanitarian response programs in order to 1) Improve water service delivery and ensuring equitable access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services, in urban and rural areas; 2) Improve food security and nutrition; 3) Promote diversified livelihoods, economic recovery and development; 4) Support peacebuilding and local governance. Mercy Corps DRC’s humanitarian programs aim specifically to assist populations affected by the conflict and crisis in Eastern Congo. Mercy Corps is the lead agency for the SAFER Consortium (Strategic Assistance for Emergency Response). The Consortium, funded by FCDO, ECHO and SDC, is composed by ACTED, Concern Worldwide, Mercy Corps, NRC and Solidarités International. SAFER has the overall goal of allowing population affected by conflict and shocks to cover their basic needs. The program supports the specific outcome of delivering a coordinated humanitarian response that enables vulnerable households affected by conflict and shocks to have safe and equitable access to multi-sectoral emergency assistance and basic WASH services to reduce reliance on negative coping mechanisms. This is achieved through the provision of multi-sectoral market based (CVA) or in-kind assistance and complementary to specific Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) to meet basic needs of shock affected populations. With an annual budget of over 30 million anticipated in 2022, SAFER has assisted more than 2 million people through both CVA and WASH interventions, in 7 provinces of DRC over the last three years. The Position The SAFER Consortium Director is a key leadership role for the consortium. The position is hosted by Mercy Corps but the Director is accountable to the Steering Committee (composed of the 5 Country Directors). The Director serves as a strong team leader for the consortium as a whole, represents the interests of all five partners, and ensures SAFER is working effectively and efficiently across member agencies. The Director supervises the Deputy who is in charge of partners’ coordination on the operational side, the program harmonization process and quality improvement through the internal working groups. The Consortium Director represents the consortium at the highest levels in DRC with external stakeholders and donors, leading on communication and advocacy in coordination with partners Country Directors, and lead on the programmatic discussion including coordination with UN bodies and other Rapid Response implementing actors Essential Responsibilities STRATEGY & VISION

Lead the implementation of the SAFER Consortium multi-year strategy and vision (2023 – 2024) and ensure successful role out of this strategy including program development. Ensure the unity and shared vision of the SC on the Consortium mandate, external communication, and donor engagement, including coherence in the interaction with external stakeholders. Maintain strategic vision shared across the members and ensure in coordination with the Consortium Coordination Unit (CCU), timely harmonization and roll out of harmonized tools. Lead the development and roll out of Communication and Advocacy strategy with the aim of mainstreaming RR needs and achievement and to raise SAFER’s visibility CONSORTIUM COORDINATION Organize and Chair monthly Steering Committee (SC) meeting and ad hoc SC meeting when required by any partners or by the initiative of the Consortium Director. Communicate minutes and Action point follow the meetings in a timely manner. Ensure in coordination with the Deputy Consortium Director an efficient coordination amongst partners in terms of implementation and involvement in the DRC coordination structures. Co-chair OCU and Working Group meetings Maintain strong and transparent communication with all consortium partners and facilitate relation between partners and the Grant Holder. Provide to the SC consolidated talking point and narrative on the program, its achievement and future programmatic development. Take an active role in the Mercy Corps Complex Board program raising any outstanding issues and support requests, flagging any new risks to the program. If other partners set up similar Board meetings, ensure same involvement

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