REACH was born in 2010 as a joint initiative of two International NGOs (IMPACT Initiatives and ACTED) and the United Nations Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT). REACH’s purpose is to promote and facilitate the development of information products that enhance the humanitarian community’s decision making and planning capacity for emergency, reconstruction and development contexts. REACH facilitates information management for aid actors through three complementary services: (a) need and situation assessments facilitated by REACH teams; (b) situation analysis using satellite imagery; (c) provision of related database and (web)-mapping facilities and expertise.

IMPACT Initiatives is a humanitarian NGO, based in Geneva, Switzerland. The organisation manages several initiatives, including the REACH Initiative. The IMPACT team comprises specialists in data collection, management and analysis and GIS. IMPACT was launched at the initiative of ACTED, an international NGO whose headquarter is based in Paris and is present in thirty countries. The two organizations have a strong complementarity formalized in a global partnership, enabling IMPACT to benefit from ACTED’s operational support on its fields of intervention.


IMPACT, through REACH, has been implementing programming in South Sudan since 2012 supporting humanitarian decision-making with assessments and information management activities focusing on the needs of displaced, returnees, and conflict-affected populations. Today, data collected and disseminated by REACH aims to provide a baseline for ongoing response planning efforts across South Sudan as well as highlight areas of highest need and concern as crises emerge. Broadly, REACH South Sudan implements assessments across three core pillars:

  • Providing data to prioritise emergency assistance to areas at risk of excess mortality, through quarterly assessments covering over 2,000 settlements in South Sudan; the development of a robust real-time monitoring of needs severity across the country as well as the mobilisation of REACH rapid need assessment team to quickly assess needs after specific shocks.
  • Contributing to a detailed understanding of public health challenges to support key actors in respond to emergency situations and structural problems through rapid PH assessments, nutrition surveys, in-depth food security analysis, and active joint analysis such as the IPC.
  • Mainstreaming Accountability to Affected Population, Resilience and Climate Change dynamics, including through standalone assessments on community priorities relating to humanitarian needs and perceptions of assistance, contextual analysis of the impact of climate change on community needs; as well as leading in-depth assessment on cross-cutting topics such as local governance or protection .

We are currently looking for a (Senior) Assessment Officer to support our cash and markets assessment work in South Sudan.

Department: REACH

Contract duration: One year

Location: Juba, South Sudan

Starting Date: July 2024


REACH conducts regular cash and markets assessments and analysis work in South Sudan, through supporting commodity price and market functionality monitoring, providing analytical support to the Cash Working Group, and conducting ad-hoc cash and markets related assessments. This position entails working closely with the Cash Working Group and other humanitarian actors in South Sudan to support informed decision-making, with the objective of improving the lives of crisis-affected populations in the country.

REACH South Sudan, with the Cash Working Group and the support of humanitarian partners to collect data nationwide, leads the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI), which provides frequent, localised data to inform cash programmes. Moreover, REACH conducts in-depth market assessments using various methodologies in strategically important marketplaces across the country. Recently, REACH began using the Market Functionality Score (MFS) methodology, taking a deep dive into the functionality of key individual markets in South Sudan. REACH South Sudan collects a vast amount of data on cash and markets and needs an Assessment Officer (AO) or Senior Assessment Officer (SAO) to come up with sound research ideas and is motivated to implement them in a fast paced environment to support humanitarian actors make informed decisions to ameliorate the situation of affected populations in South Sudan.


Under the supervision of the Resilience and Accountability Research Manager in South Sudan, the (Senior) Assessment Officer is responsible for the management of all REACH research cycles relating to cash and markets, including design, implementation, dissemination and evaluation. He/she works closely with Assessment Officers, GIS/Data Officers, and Field Officers on the content of assessments, ensuring high quality data collection. In addition, the (S)AO will lead in the development and implementation of IMPACT strategy in South Sudan related to cash and markets work.


  • In close coordination with the IMPACT South Sudan team, the (Senior) Assessment Officer is responsible for:
  • Compile and analyse available data related to the project produce secondary data reviews, assessment reports, situation overviews, and factsheets.
  • Responsible for conducting all assessments related to the research cycle
  • Working in close collaboration with project partners in the design, implementation, data cleaning and analysis survey.
  • Ensure that assessment strategies are implemented in a structured and coherent manner in line with project and strategic objectives
  • Provide oversight of data analysis and reporting from the collaborative assessments
  • Ensure the writing of timely and accurate assessment reports and factsheets from collaborative assessments
  • Support the development/revision of assessment / programme strategies, reports or new proposals;
  • Lead external representation of IMPACT with donors, partners and the wider aid community through coordination mechanisms and sectoral working groups (if necessary);
    1. Assessment Preparation and Planning:
      • Ensure that all assessments are planned in line with relevant project and program objectives and with IMPACT’s research cycle and other relevant guidelines;
      • Keeping abreast of significant developments in the field of cash and markets, as well as cash and voucher assistance (CVA), within the South Sudan context, and staying informed of the programs and strategies of pertinent stakeholders;
      • Ensure that required secondary data analysis has been conducted in preparation of an assessment;
      • For each assessment, develop and review ToRs before they are sent to Geneva for validation and ensure that ToRs are validated by HQ before any data collection begins;
      • Ensure that ToRs are understood and used by assessment staff and stakeholders, and updated as required
      • Compose and construct, in close coordination with GIS and data management team, qualitative and quantitative data collection tools; ensure engagement with GIS teams on GIS requirements of research cycle/assessment;
      • Track progress and delays of all assigned assessments throughout the research cycle. Ensure that delays or identified challenges for specific assessments are reported in writing and orally in a timely manner to the Field Manager, Senior Assessment Officer, and other relevant staff;
      • Ensure relevant stakeholders and partners are engaged in assessment design and planning.
    2. Data collection and management
      • Monitor partner and IMPACT team data collection, ensuring its correct implementation in line with agreed TORs;
      • Support the Assessment Officer and Field Officers to ensure that required enumerators are identified and trained for primary data collection;
      • Ensure that the IMPACT Country Coordinator is alerted to any issues that prevents full implementation of the methodology in line with the agreed ToRs; ensure that all changes to the methodology are documented throughout implementation;
      • Ensure logistics, financial, administration, security and HR processes directly related to IMPACT have been appropriately implemented and coordinated with the relevant ACTED departments.
      • Ensure regular situation updates on data collection have been produced and circulated to relevant IMPACT, ACTED, and external counterparts. Provide support and follow up on identified challenges during the data collection process;
      • Ensure that all collected data is stored in line with IMPACT’s Data Management Guidelines, and with the ToRs (data management plan Annex);
      • Ensure that data is revised and cleaned, and that all revisions are recorded;
      • Oversee analysis on collected data as per ToRs;
      • Ensure that tested and accurate techniques are used to analyze the data collected;
      • Ensure that data and its analysis are validated by IMPACT HQ before product drafting stage;
    3. Product drafting
      • Maintain regular communication with IMPACT HQ on progress and deadlines for written products;
      • Manage assessment staff toward timely drafting of timely and accurate assessment outputs (i.e. reports, factsheets, etc.), which comply with IMPACT’s guidelines and quality standards;
      • Review and lead revision of all products before they are sent to IMPACT HQ for validation;
      • Ensure that all written products are validated by IMPACT HQ before external release.
    4. Product dissemination and evaluation
      • Under the direction of the IMPACT Country Coordinator, engage in the dissemination of research products, including through articles, IMPACT social media contents, targeted e-mails, presentations, meetings, etc., in line with IMPACT Dissemination and External Communication Guidelines and Research ToRs;
      • Under supervision of IMPACT HQ, ensure that research products are uploaded in relevant data portals, as specified in Research ToRs;
      • Ensure that lessons learned are gathered and documented at the end of each research cycle;
      • Support the I IMPACT Country Coordinator to conduct monitoring and evaluation as specified in the research ToRs and in line with IMPACT guidelines
    • Ensure that relevant partners are consulted and involved at all stages of research cycle as necessary: the preparation of the assessment; data collection; data analysis; review of research products; product dissemination; and lessons learnt; ensure that partner engagement is documented;
    • Present research findings to relevant third parties, to enhance their use and impact;
    • Ensure that external communications with partners and key stakeholders, including relevant UN agencies, local and national government, and NGOs has been conducted and documented as appropriate;
    • Represent IMPACT at the Cash Working Group and in technical external engagements related to assessments
    • The (Senior) Assessment Officer will maintain the strictest confidentiality on all data collected and related processes. He/she will actively take measures to prevent the unauthorized sharing of any information and data belonging to IMPACT and its partners, or collected during his/her assignment with IMPACT.
    • The staff member is responsible for ensuring that all relations with the communities IMPACT and partners work are conducted in a respectful and consultative manner. Due attention must be paid to ensuring that communities are adequately consulted and informed about IMPACT programme objectives, activities, beneficiary selection criteria, and methodologies.


  • Excellent academic qualifications, including a degree in any relevant discipline;
  • For Assessment Officer, at least 1-2 years of relevant working experience in humanitarian or development settings, previous experience in other IMPACT/REACH missions is preferred; for Senior Assessment Officer, at least 3 years;
  • Experience conducting cash and market-related assessments and fluency in cash-based transfer modalities;
  • Experience coordinating interagency assessments or monitoring activities;
  • Excellent analytical skills;
  • Excellent communication and drafting skills for effective reporting;
  • Excellent team management skills;
  • Ability to operate in a cross-cultural environment requiring flexibility;
  • Fluency in English required;
  • Ability to operate Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe Creative Suite Products is required;
  • Ability to operate SPSS, Python, R, or related statistical programming is an asset;
  • Ability to work independently and manage team members remotely.


  • Familiarity with the humanitarian system: Knowledge of the humanitarian program cycle (HPC) and the humanitarian coordination structure.
  • Thematic expertise: Expertise and knowledge in economics, livelihoods, CVA and market-based interventions
  • Management skills: Team management experience and skills are highly desirable.
  • Software skills: Knowledge of the Adobe Creative Cloud suite (i.e., InDesign) is an advantage. Knowledge and experience in R or other statistical analysis software, and GIS software is an asset.
  • Experience in geographical region: Past work experience in South Sudan or East Africa is desired.


  • For this position, salary between 2’460 CHF and 2’880 CHF monthly (before income tax), etc as well as a monthly living allowance of 300 USD
    NB - IMPACT salaries are strictly determined by our salary grid depending on the grade of the position and the level of education of staff. A location-dependent security and/or isolation adjustment is then applied as a recognition that some staff are required to work in difficult places where living and working conditions are much more difficult than elsewhere.
  • Accommodation and food provided in a guesthouse. NB – IMPACT is hosted by Acted in this country
  • Enrolment in Swiss private pension fund (Swisslife – approx. 9.975% of staff gross salary), health insurance, life insurance and repatriation assistance
  • This base is not a family duty
  • Flight tickets every 6 months & visa fees covered (in-country travel costs and professional expenses are fully covered)
  • R&R after 3 months (flight ticket up to 500$ + 200$ of living allowance) if duty station allows
  • Contribution to the luggage transportation: between 20 and 100 kgs, depending on the length of the contract (+ luggage and personal property insurance)
  • Annual leave of 36 days per year. Public holidays of the country of assignment. Family/compassionate leave when applicable.
  • Predeparture induction - 3 days at IMPACT Initiatives’s HQ in Geneva + one week pre-departure training in ACTED HQ in Paris, including a 4-days in situ security training;
  • Enrolment in IMPACT Initiatives Research Foundational Learning Programme within the first 3 months from the start of contract
  • IMPACT prioritizes the psychological safety of its staff and the health insurance provided covers, among others, up to 1000 € per year of psychosocial counselling fees

Please apply at the following link: REACH (Senior) Assessment Officer – Cash and Markets in Juba, South Sudan | Impact (

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