Grade: NOB

Vacancy no.: BEY/DC/2024/24
Publication date: 04 July 2024
Application deadline (midnight local time): 19 July 2024

Job ID: 12138
Department: RO-Arab States/DWT-Beirut
Organization Unit: RO-Arab States/DWT-Beirut
Location: Baghdad
Contract type: Fixed Term

Contract duration: Two years (as of 15/08/2024)

Under article 4.2, paragraph (e) of the Staff Regulations, the filling of vacancies in technical cooperation projects does not fall under Annex I of the Staff Regulations and is made by direct selection by the Director-General.

In order to support the best informed process in the filling of the above-mentioned vacancy by direct selection, the ILO invites interested candidates to submit their application online by the above date.

The following are eligible to apply:

  • ILO Internal candidates in accordance with paragraphs 31 and 32 of Annex I of the Staff Regulations.
  • External candidates*

    *The recruitment process for National Officer positions is subject to specific local recruitment and eligibility criteria.

    The ILO values diversity among its staff and welcomes applications from qualified female candidates. We also encourage applicants with disabilities. If you are unable to complete our online application form due to a disability, please send an email to

    Technical cooperation appointments are not expected to lead to a career in the ILO and they do not carry any expectation of renewal or conversion to any other type of appointment in the Organization. A two-years fixed-term contract will be given. Extensions of technical cooperation contracts are subject to various elements including the following: availability of funds, continuing need of the functions and satisfactory conduct and performance.

    *Conditions of employment for external candidates: In conformity with existing ILO practice, the appointment of an external candidate will normally be made at the first step of this grade. The entry level salary for this position is 51693 (USD) yearly.


    The ‘PROSPECTS’ Partnership for improving Prospects for host communities and forcibly displaced persons (FDPs), was launched by the Government of the Netherlands in 2019 in response to forced displacement crisis, bringing together the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the World Bank. The partnership spans eight countries, namely Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Sudan, and Uganda.

    The PROSPECTS Partnership in Iraq supports the national agenda for promoting inclusion and socio-economic development for forcibly displaced and host communities, whilst working closely with local partners to identify, maximize, and realize opportunities on the ground. While interventions are implemented in the governorates of Nineveh and Duhok, the PROSPECTS partners work collectively on institutional capacity building and systems strengthening at the national level.

    ILO’s efforts in this partnership focus on supporting Iraqi host communities and internally displaced persons (IDPs), as well as Syrian refugees to access more and better livelihoods ad decent job opportunities. It is doing so through integrated approach, which includes supporting market-driven skills training, improving public employment services, implementing employment intensive approaches, and promoting financial inclusion and entrepreneurship. A second phase of the partnership has started in January 2024 and last until end of 2027, building on the results and lessons learnt and maximizing impact.

    The ILO interventions with the PROSPECTS programme are aligned with the ILO’s Decent Work Country Programme in Iraq agreed with the tripartite constituents and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and includes cooperation with the PROSPECTS partners. key policy

    priority for the PROSPECTS Phase II is increased self-reliance and socio-economic inclusion of FDPs and host community members. In this regard, PROSPECTS will provide capacity-building and support to relevant stakeholders in Iraq for an inclusive implementation of the National Employment Policy (NEP), businesses formalization, TVET reform, and other policy priorities in coordination with both the Federal Government and Kurdistan Region Government of Iraq.

    Introduction (continued)

    The ILO PROSPECTS team in Iraq seeks to recruit a National Coordinator to support the implementation of planned interventions under the relevant pillars of PROSPECTS with focus on the policy work engagement and upstream activities related to the national employment policy and advocacy to support transition of Iraqi host communities and forcibly displaced people (FDPs) to employment. S/he will be providing technical support and ensuring close coordination with relevant governmental partners in Baghdad under PROSPECTS interventions. The incumbent will also work towards enhancing collaboration, facilitating effective communication, and promoting constructive engagement with tripartite constituents, on international labour standards and labour laws, in line with the legislative reforms and development frameworks of the Government of Iraq supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

    Reporting Lines

    The incumbent will be based at the ILO office in Baghdad with frequent travel to the targeted governorates under PROSPECTS. S/he will report to the PROSPECTS Project Manager in Iraq based in Erbil and overall supervision of the Country Coordinator in Iraq. Technical backstopping will be provided by the Chief Technical Advisor of PROSPECTS in the Arab States. The incumbent will work in close collaboration with the relevant Decent Work Team specialists at the Regional Office, the PROSPECTS team and the ILO’s projects team in Iraq.

    Description of Duties

    1. Lead the project timely implementation, monitoring and evaluation through management functions, including provision of technical and administrative supervision to the project team in line with the ILO policy, rules and regulations and according to the final project document and work plan.

    2. Contribute proposals for programme/project development and serve as national programme advisor to the Directorate and draft portions of programme and budget proposals, project proposals, programme background, country strategy papers, objectives and project reviews and evaluation. Monitor progress of ILO programmes, projects and activities, by reviewing, verifying and analysing work-plans, progress reports, final reports and other data for clarity, consistency and completeness. Promote the inclusion of gender equality and non-discrimination in all aspects of the project.

    3. Identify problems, propose solutions and action and follow-up with relevant departments at headquarters and regional office, executing agencies, government offices, constituents and other organizations; and closely liaise with the PROSPECTS partners to expedite implementation and meet targets.

    4. Provide or ensure access to legal and policy advice to the government and the social partners on policy advocacy issues related to promoting smooth transition to employment and implementation of the National Employment Policy as well as effective implementation of the fundamental principles and rights at work, with a particular emphasis on freedom of association and collective bargaining.

    5. Organize national seminars and workshops, training programmes and awareness raising activities to improve understanding and operationalization of the key policy priorities of PROSPECTS.

    Description of Duties (continued)

    6. Ensure the delivery of quality technical inputs, including qualitative and quantitative research in line with ILO core conventions on fundamental rights at work.

    7. Maintain close cooperation and coordination with government, employers' and workers' organizations in the planning and implementation of activities under the project.

    8. Establish and develop knowledge management system covering technical activities under the project, including other economic and social issues of relevance to the project.

    9. Represent the project in various fora, meetings, and conferences, under the guidance of the PROSPECTS Iraq Project Manager.

    10. Develop and maintain strong links with ILO specialists within the ILO Decent Work Team in the regional office of Arab States, and other colleagues in the field and HQ, on specific technical areas requiring comprehensive and collaborative interventions.

    11. Periodically report, monitor and facilitate the evaluation of all project’s components according to the project’s document and work plan. Prepare required technical progress reports and ad hoc reports on the status of project planning and implementation for submission to the ILO and the donor.

    Description of Duties (continued)

    12. Responsible for the effective administrative management of the project, including guidance and supervision of the personnel assigned to the project.

    13. Ensure high-level communications to increase project’s visibility at the national and international levels. This includes the responsibility to liaise with the UN country team, PROSPECTS partners, and other key stakeholders, to ensure effective coordination with relevant national strategies and related technical projects. Under direct guidance Iraq ILO Office. Maintain relations with mass media and concerned media groups in order to increase the impact of the project in society as a whole.

    14. Other related duties as assigned by PROSPECTS Iraq Project Manager.

    Required qualifications


    First level university degree in economics, labour law and international labour law, social sciences, or related field, and strong knowledge on development issues particularly in Iraq. Advance degree on studies on labour standards or labour standards is a strong advantage.


    At least three years of experience at the national level in area of employment policies, labour rights, labour law, legislative revisions, developing policy guidelines and project planning, monitoring, implementation, and evaluation activities.

    Technical requirements: Good knowledge of Iraqi labour law, employment policies, as well as economic developments, poverty reduction, and social policies. Good Knowledge and experience of the policy making process.

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