Overall purpose of the role:

Lead analysis on responding to the impact of displacement and early recovery in Fashoda County, Upper Nile State through convening community consultations, facilitating workshops alongside relevant government ministries and institutions, and mapping activities of humanitarian and development programming focused in Fashoda County. Provide capacity strengthening support to local actors on planning and responding to displacement challenges.


Project implementation

Support development of data collection and analysis tools Convene meetings with relevant actors, affected population and locally led organisations Conduct community engagement with affected populations on understanding barriers and opportunities in response to displacement and identification of solutions pathways Map existing programming and coordination structures operating in Fashoda County Facilitate workshop on development of guidelines for planning for displacement response, including developing agenda, managing invitees, and drafting workshop report Oversee work of translators or enumerators Manage logistical arrangements for workshops and meetings including sending out invites, organizing venues and transportation

Capacity Strengthening

Support development of content for local actor and government capacity strengthening Facilitate 2 capacity strengthening workshops in Fashoda Produce capacity strengthening report

Report Development

Develop weekly updates on progress

Produce recommendation report for solutions response in Fashoda

Expected deliverables

Summary of findings reporting Capacity building workshops Community and local actor consultation meetings

Required Experience

At least 4 years’ experience in community engagement or working with local government. Experience in managing research activities. Proven experience in convening diverse stakeholders and facilitating workshops. Ability to conduct capacity strengthening for diverse stakeholders in an engaging way. Demonstrable expertise in developing high quality reports and analysis. Experience in undertaking and using conflict sensitivity analysis. Self-motivated and able to work with a minimum guidance and supervision. Exprience working in durable solutions or early recovery


Minimum undegraute degree in community development , peacebuilding , international development or equivalent degree Application of computer and IT skills Strong communication and writing skills Fluency in written and spoken English language

This vacancy is archived.

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