Title: UNIDO Country Representative

Requisition ID: 4327
Grade : NOD
Country: Rwanda
Duty Station : Kigali
Category: Professional and Higher
Type of job Posting: Internal and External
Employment Type: Staff-Full-time
Minimum Annual salary: 75,720,000 RWF
Application deadline: 15-Aug-2024, 11:59 PM (CEST)

Vacancy Announcement
Only nationals of the country of the duty station are eligible to apply.
Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.


The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability. The mission of UNIDO, as described in the Lima Declaration adopted at the fifteenth session of the UNIDO General Conference in 2013 as well as the Abu Dhabi Declaration adopted at the eighteenth session of UNIDO General Conference in 2019, is to promote and accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID) in Member States. The relevance of ISID as an integrated approach to all three pillars of sustainable development is recognized by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will frame United Nations and country efforts towards sustainable development. UNIDO’s mandate is fully recognized in SDG-9, which calls to “Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The relevance of ISID, however, applies in greater or lesser extent to all SDGs. Accordingly, the Organization’s programmatic focus is structured in four strategic priorities: Creating shared prosperity; Advancing economic competitiveness; Safeguarding the environment; and Strengthening knowledge and institutions.

Each of these programmatic fields of activity contains a number of individual programmes, which are implemented in a holistic manner to achieve effective outcomes and impacts through UNIDO’s four enabling functions: (i) technical cooperation; (ii) analytical and research functions and policy advisory services; (iii) normative functions and standards and quality-related activities; and (iv) convening and partnerships for knowledge transfer, networking and industrial cooperation. Such core functions are carried out in Departments/Offices in its Headquarters, Regional Offices and Hubs and Country Offices.

UNIDO provides support to its 172 Member States through four mandated functions: technical cooperation; action-oriented research and policy-advisory services; normative standards-related activities; and fostering partnerships for knowledge and technology transfer. The organization’s work is concentrated on three focus areas: ending hunger by helping businesses from farm to fork; stopping climate breakdown by using renewable energy and energy efficiency to reduce industrial greenhouse gas emissions; and supporting sustainable supply chains so that developing country producers get a fair deal and scarce resources are preserved. Such functions are carried out in Divisions/Offices in Headquarters and in Field Offices.

The Field Offices fall under the overall responsibility of the Division of Regional Bureaus and Field Coordination (GLO/RFO), of the Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations (GLO). The Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations (GLO), headed by a Managing Director, is responsible for UNIDO's relations with Member States and all external partners, including through the policymaking organs. It plays a central role for interaction and collaboration with traditional and non-traditional donors; oversees the regional bureaus as well as the network of established field offices, liaison offices and Investment and Technology Promotion Offices; and supports the implementation of particularly complex projects, programmes and special assignments, thus also fulfilling an important role in safeguarding their quality and the reputation of the Organization.

The Division of Regional Bureaus and Field Coordination (GLO/RFO) coordinates the field representation and interventions of UNIDO in Member States and regions. Within this context, the Division is responsible for determining programmatic priorities for UNIDO's services and ensuring that UNIDO responds to the specific needs and requirements of Member States and development partners at the country and regional levels. It facilitates the development of regional strategies, Programmes for Country Partnership (PCPs) and monitors their implementation. The Division encompasses all the UNIDO field offices and the five Regional Bureaus: Africa (GLO/RFO/AFR), also hosting the IDDA III Secretariat; the Arab Region (GLO/RFO/ARB); Asia and the Pacific (GLO/RFO/ASP); Europe and Central Asia (GLO/RFO/EUR); and Latin American and the Caribbean (GLO/RFO/LAC).

The Field Offices are responsible for representing UNIDO in their host country, countries of coverage, as applicable and for maintaining close relations with all relevant stakeholders. They are responsible for identifying development priorities and donors’ technical and funding priorities in the host country, countries of coverage, and for supporting, and/or leading when requested, the formulation, implementation and monitoring of technical cooperation projects and programmes, including PCPs. The Field Offices are also responsible for coordinating and reporting on UNIDO’s activities in their host country, countries of coverage, as applicable and for contributing to the development, operationalization and promotion of regional and sub-regional strategies and policies to ensure the strategic and programmatic consistency of UNIDO’s work, including of its cooperation with and contributions to the United Nations Resident Coordinator Offices (UNRCs)/United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs)/Common Country Assessments (CCAs)/United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCFs).

This position is located under the Regional Bureau for Africa (GLO/RFO/AFR), which is responsible for determining regional strategies and programmatic priorities for UNIDO’s services, and ensuring that UNIDO responds to the specific needs and requirements of Member States.

The UNIDO Country Office (CO), headed by a senior national professional who shall be designated as the UNIDO Country Representative (UCR) in Rwanda. The CO covers the UNIDO Programmes in Rwanda and is responsible for representing UNIDO in the host country, to promote the Organization as an effective partner for development, and to maintain close contacts with local stakeholders at the country level as appropriate, including government institutions and international entities.

The UCR works under the policy direction of the Director General and the Managing Director, Directorate of Global Partnerships and External Relations (GLO), the overall guidance of the Director, Division of Regional Bureaus and Field Coordination (GLO/RFO), and under the direct supervision of the Sub-regional office in Ethiopia and the Regional Bureau for Africa.

The UCR supervises the staff under his/her supervision (a) in work that is innovative; (b) in creating an enabling environment which is important to achieving results; (c) in building partnerships through advocacy and championing and (d) in achieving results which affect programme teams.

The UNIDO Staff Performance Management System reinforces the collaboration within formal units as well as among cross-functional teams. In this context, the incumbent collaborates with his/her team and colleagues, in the country as well as in the region and in headquarters.

The UCR is locally recruited and is subject to the authority of the Director General and if required, may be expected to serve in any assignment and duty station as determined by the needs of the Organization.


  • Represent UNIDO in the host country and maintain close relations with the Government, stakeholders, development partners, donors and the United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRC) as well as their office to promote the Organization’s mandate and serve as the main conduit for communication.

  • Position UNIDO strategically within the host country to align UNIDO approaches with national development priorities.

  • Represent UNIDO and play an active role in the United Nations Country Team (UNCT), including coordinating, monitoring and reporting on UNIDO’s contributions to the Common Country Analysis (CCA) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF). In addition, contribute and participate, as applicable, in the formulation of joint programmes and in joint fundraising activities with the expertise from the Organization’s TC functions.

  • Contribute to the development, operationalization and promotion of regional and sub-regional strategies and approaches.

  • Contribute to UNIDO’s work in any other country as required, in particular for South-South and triangular cooperation in close cooperation with the Regional Bureaus and SPP/SSC.

  • Contribute to the substantive work in regional- and other cross-organizational teams with their expertise as resource person in countries other than the host country.

  • Lead, as applicable, the development of country programming related documents such as UNSDCF, CCA, Programme for Country Partnership (PCP) or other documents upon request and in line with regional strategies and approaches.

  • Identify and assess national industrial development trends and needs as well as donor priorities to support UNIDO’s resource mobilization and project and programme development cycle.

  • Monitor industrial policy design and implementation in the host country in collaboration with SPP/IPS.

  • Contribute to and/or lead the identification, development, implementation and evaluation of TC activities.

  • Monitor TC activities for programme results at the ground level and maintain oversight of all project personnel in the host country, in coordination with the respective project managers and SPP/SPM.

  • In coordination with project managers and upon request, undertake on-site project visits to monitor project and programme progress and to engage with donors and stakeholders.

  • Manage the financial and human resources of the office, including in the context of the efficiency agenda of the UN reform; security and safety of personnel and their eligible dependents as well as the protection of UNIDO assets, property and information in host country. Prepare contingency plan in line with recommendations from the United Nations Department for Safety and Security (UNDSS) designated official, in collaboration with COR.

  • Develop a results-oriented and gender mainstreamed yearly business plan, and periodically report on the progress of the business plan.

  • Ensure UNIDO’s concise and timely reporting to UN INFO, with inputs from project managers and in coordination with SPP/SPM to ensure consistency of country-level reporting of IRPF-based indicators.

  • Support the organization of high-level missions to the country and UNIDO personnel on mission in the country as requested.

  • Advocate and highlight the relevance and work of the Organization and ensure the dissemination of UNIDO communication and media content to governments and stakeholders in cooperation with the respective Sub-regional Office, Regional Bureau, and ODG/CCM.



    Advanced university degree (master’s or equivalent) in economics, business administration, international relations, public administration or other relevant field with specialization in development economics, is required.


  • A minimum of seven (7) years of progressively responsible professional work experience at the national level in the fields of industry and development is required.

  • Experience at the senior or team leader level in technical cooperation, including supervising project teams in aspects of the project cycle (project formulation, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation) is required.

  • Experience in an international setting similar to the UN system and/or with government engagement is desirable.

  • Prior experience in country programming, technical cooperation including resource mobilization in Rwanda and other countries in the region is desirable.


    Fluency in written and spoken English and French is required. Knowledge of another or other languages of the United Nations is desirable.


    Core Values

    WE LIVE AND ACT, WITH INTEGRITY: work honestly, openly and impartially.

    WE SHOW PROFESSIONALISM: work hard and competently in a committed and responsible manner.

    WE RESPECT DIVERSITY: work together effectively, respectfully and inclusively, regardless of our differences in culture and perspective.

    Key Competencies

    WE FOCUS ON PEOPLE: cooperate to fully reach our potential –and this is true for our colleagues as well as our clients. Emotional intelligence and receptiveness are vital parts of our UNIDO identity.

    WE FOCUS ON RESULTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: focus on planning, organizing and managing our work effectively and efficiently. We are responsible and accountable for achieving our results and meeting our performance standards. This accountability does not end with our colleagues and supervisors, but we also owe it to those, we serve and who have trusted us to contribute to a better, safer and healthier world.

    WE COMMUNICATE AND EARN TRUST: communicate effectively with one another and build an environment of trust where we can all excel in our work.

This vacancy is archived.

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