Post of Duty: Washington D.C.

The IDB Group is a community of diverse, versatile, and passionate people who come together on a journey to improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean. Our people find purpose and do what they love in an inclusive, collaborative, agile, and rewarding environment.

About this position

We are looking to hire a seasoned technical specialist in microservice development as a Senior Consultant in Microservice Development. You will help us collaborate with the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) on Project FuSSE, which aims to design and construct a fully scalable settlement engine. This collaboration is part of the BIS Innovation Hub's initiative to foster innovation and enhance the efficiency and safety of the financial system globally. The need for a specialist microservice development arises from the technical requirements of the project, ensuring optimal design, scalability, and efficiency.

You will work in the Connectivity Markets and Finance Division (IFD/CMF) part of the Institutions for Development Department. This team is responsible for assists member countries to overcome the financing barriers that limit their productive development. Areas of work include financial inclusion, financial and fiscal risk management, financial transparency, housing finance, public debt management, green and sustainable finance (thematic finance), among others.

What you’ll do:

You will provide your expertise in the design and development of micro service software components as required for project development and implementation, collaborating with the BIS Innovation Hub team as well as with teams from additional project participants currently involved in the project.

· Develop technical designs, configurations and implementations of the assigned micro service components deriving from Project FuSSE

· Participate in regular and unplanned meetings with other project team members to evaluate requirements, constraints and issues where their expertise in micro service development is needed

· Collaborate in regular reviews with the rest of the teams of project scope, requirements and technical documentation

· Review and provide feedback on project milestones and commitments

· Participate in regular project update stand-ups and meetings

· Provide regular feedback on assigned task progress

· Provide timely feedback or input on issues or developments that impact project scope, timelines, and commitments

· Elaborate documentation related to your participation in the project, including but not limited to, technical documentation, progress reports, incident tracking, root cause analysis and issue resolution

· Use of provided tools for version control, project asset tracking, and project collaboration.

Deliverables and Payments Timeline:

1. Successful completion of their assigned responsibilities derived from the Project FuSSE design and implementation process

2. Monthly progress reports and updates that will serve as evidence of work done

3. Intellectual property assets, in the form of:

a. Source code: If applicable, this includes all of the applicable written code to deliver on the assigned project tasks

b. Documentation

i. Code Comments: Inline explanations within the source code to help other developers understand the functionality and logic.

ii. Technical Documentation: Detailed information about the architecture, design decisions, and how the developed components work.

iii. User Documentation: Guides or manuals that help end-users or other developers understand how to use the software and/or solutions created by the consultant

c. Compiled Code/Binaries: If applicable, all executable files or libraries created to comply with the assigned project tasks

d. Unit Tests: Automated tests that validate individual units or components of the created components to ensure they work as intended.

e. Integration Tests: Tests that validate the interaction between different components or systems.

f. Deployment Scripts: Scripts or tools used to deploy the software to various environments (e.g., development, staging, production).

g. API Endpoints & Documentation: If the assigned project tasks involve developing an API, the consultant shall provide endpoint details and documentation on how to use them.

h. Database Schema: Details about the database structure, including tables, relationships, and indexes.

i. Configuration Files: Files that contain settings or parameters that can be modified without changing the source code.

j. Build Scripts: Scripts or configuration files used by continuous integration tools to automate the build process.

k. UI/UX Designs & Prototypes: If applicable to their assigned project tasks, any related documentation, prototypes and mock-ups of user interface designs.

l. Bug Reports and Fixes: If applicable, documentation of identified bugs, their status, and the fixes applied

m. Performance Reports: Details about the assigned components’ performance, including any benchmarks or stress tests conducted.

n. Post-deployment Reports: Information about the assigned components’ behavior in the final target environment, including any issues faced and resolutions.

o. Training Materials: If applicable, provide training materials for end-users or other stakeholders related to the assigned project components

p. Demos & Presentations: Demonstrations related to the assigned project components’ functionality.

Payment shall be provided on a bimonthly basis against the delivery of the corresponding bimonthly progress

Deliverable #


Planned Date to Submit

1. Bi-monthly Report 1


January 2024


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