The Consortium’s approach to the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus

The Consortium’s integrated programming, which adapts the ALNAP ‘protection egg model’ to the West Bank’s unique operating context, goes well beyond the stereotypical image of humanitarian assistance as it encompasses medium to longer-term remedial and environment-building activities. Sustainability efforts began with dismantling the artificial divide between humanitarian and development activities and reframing aid as strengthening the resilience of local communities in order to shift the focus to addressing the needs of vulnerable communities, strengthening their capacities and mitigating the wide range of protection threats they face; and ensuring the Occupying Power, Palestinian authorities and third State actors are held accountable for rights violations.

All activities are designed to build the resilience of the targeted communities while seeking to reduce the risks of future shocks which may lead to forcible transfer, factoring in socio-economic and protection vulnerabilities. This approach informs the provision of essential services and assets, implemented using a community-based approach, relying on the active participation of the community to reduce protection risks and improve coping mechanisms. Protection capacity and involvement of the community in activities is central to all results and seeks to enhance the community's ownership of the projects and responsibility towards their sustainability. The work of the Consortium, while focused on humanitarian response, delivers long-term results, as the communities are increasingly able to contribute to their own protection and development. All Consortium efforts aim towards this direction, i.e. increased ownership and oversight of projects by local actors and their contribution in the costs of implementation. Special attention is given to the needs of women, children, persons with disabilities (PWDs) and other individuals with specific needs to ensure that interventions are tailored to their needs and perspectives.

The Consortium has adopted a bottom-up approach to enacting nexus and exit strategies in the target communities, whereby developmental actors should take over where its mandate stops to ensure a transition between humanitarian and development aid. Each of the target communities is put on a ‘pathway to resilience’, seeking to reduce their vulnerability up to a point where the Consortium’s material assistance is no longer justified, and an exit can be envisaged. Thus, proactive engagement with humanitarian and development actors, at both central and sub-central levels, is an integral element of the resilience pathway and aims at promoting burden-sharing and durable solutions for service provision. The Consortium nonetheless recognizes that a more transformative approach is needed to progress nexus goals at scale. Building on renewed interested from donors and other major stakeholders in the operationalization of the nexus in area C of the West Bank, the Consortium would like to gather in-depth information about risks and opportunities in scaling its nexus approach to take informed decision.

Key Objectives

The objectives of this action-research are three-fold:

a) Undertake a mapping and in-depth analysis of the main actors and resources/initiatives that support/contribute to the triple Nexus approach in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem;

b) Review risks to the Consortium’s structure and program, and opportunities, should a scaledup triple nexus approach be adopted;

c) Assess the relevance, effectiveness and gaps in the current WBPC approach to the triple Nexus and provide elements for the design of a triple nexus strategy, including practical recommendations to the Consortium to support the consolidation and expansion of its Nexus approach, building on tools and activities currently in place.

The outcomes of the action-research will be shared, as appropriate, with Consortium partners, donors

and external relevant stakeholders.

This vacancy is archived.

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