The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organization that works as a solutions broker to catalyse action and support for adaptation solutions, from the international to the local, in partnership with the public and private sector, to ensure we learn from each other and work together for a climate resilient future. Adapting to impacts of climate change provides a “win-win” for health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security and economic growth. The work of the GCA elevates the visibility and political importance of climate adaptation and facilitates solutions, such as smarter investments, new technologies and better planning to become more resilient to climate-related threats.

The GCA The Climate Finance program seeks to make climate risks more visible and actionable by promoting systemic change in fiscal and financial systems to integrate climate risk into decision-making. The Global Commission on Adaptation’s flagship report illustrates that investment in adaptation delivers excellent value for money while providing broader societal and environmental benefits.

The GCA is looking to scale up its support for countries through country offices, and in collaboration with multilateral organizations, including IMF, AfDB, WB, and GCA’s institutional partners. The role will involve an increasing emphasis on climate risk in financial systems but also climate finance for adaptation as a cross- cutting agenda, supporting the work of the GCA’s thematic and sectoral teams. Our partners in this work include national governments, multilateral organizations, international initiatives, coalitions and networks, development finance institutions, private finance institutions, institutional investors, central banks, and international non-governmental organizations.

Africa is a priority region in GCA’s 2020-2025 Business Plan. The joint GCA-AfDB Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, which aims to mobilize $25 billion for adaptation on the continent, focuses on climate finance as one of its core pillars. Support to African countries to mainstream adaptation and resilience into their financial systems is one of the core priorities of the AAAP.



The GCA seeks an experienced Senior Climate Finance Officer to help deliver the ambitious objective of mainstreaming of adaptation and resilience into the financial systems of African countries aiming to significantly increasing the level of finance flowing towards adaptation and resilience. This role will involve supporting the AAAP through the Climate Finance work of the GCA in driving strategic direction, active external engagement, cross-theme coordination, and project implementation.

The key lines of action for the Senior Climate Finance officer work include:

· Develop a capacity building program and with practical tools to support governments (financial regulators and central banks) and private sector financial intermediaries (banks, investors’ community, private sector companies), in mainstreaming climate risks into policies and investment decision making in African countries.

· Support regional dialogs for African financial system key stakeholders to exchange best practices and experience of implementation of macroeconomic stress testing and scenario analysis, taxonomies, and integrating TCFD recommendations. This work will also involve working with other regions to identify best practices and mutual learning and capacity building opportunities.

· Actively participate in global initiatives such as NGFS, Coalition of Finance Minister for Climate Action Principle 5, Collaborative on Accelerating Investment in Adaptation and Resilience, and the Physical Risks and Resilience Commitment initiative, to propose activities/ workshops and tools to be implemented in African countries, as well as in other GCA priority regions.

· Support the GCA collaboration with the IMF to integrate climate risk in their economic and financial surveillance.

· Work closely with the African Development Bank on the Africa Financial Alliance on Climate Change.


You will report to the Program Lead for Climate Finance under the overall guidance of the Africa Regional Director.

This vacancy is archived.

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