Purpose of consultancy:

In Eastern Europe, including the Western Balkans, persistent gender inequalities and discrimination continue to affect family dynamics and society as a whole. These harmful norms and practices discriminate against women and girls, resulting in low female employment rates across the region. The Western Balkans, in particular, witness significant gender disparities in labour force participation, pay, and the burden of unpaid care work.
To address these policy gaps, the United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia intends to implement the second phase of the Expanding Choices project in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia. This project aims to have a substantial impact by enabling women to fully participate in the labour market and make informed decisions on their family and work life, leading to more gender-responsive and sustainable development. The desired outcome of the project is to promote GRFP in the private sector through legislative and normative frameworks, creating inclusive labour conditions and opportunities. This objective aligns with the priorities outlined in the Austrian Development Cooperation's Regional Strategy for the Western Balkans Region, which emphasises sustainable economic development and improved conditions in the labour market for the most vulnerable populations. By addressing challenges such as unpaid care work and maternalistic policies, the project aims to establish family-friendly policies that support caregivers, redistribute unpaid care work, and promote work-life balance. Furthermore, the project supports governance and the rule of law by engaging with duty bearers and advocating for business-friendly public services and equal opportunities. The intervention will pursue three key outputs: 1) enhancing the capacity of governments to design and monitor GRFP, 2) encouraging private sector actors to implement such policies, 3) fostering regional collaboration and knowledge sharing on GRFP and their connection to gender equality and economic development.
For this purpose, UNFPA BiH intends to engage a lead researcher to conduct a survey on “Workplaces tailored to the needs of future families’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina''. The survey includes analysis of Gender Responsive Family Policies (GRFP), regulations and HR practices, respectively in Federation of BiH and Republika Srpska. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing environment in the labour market for women and young people, to uncover challenges, obstacles and possibilities, and ultimately contribute to the development of workplaces that effectively support the needs of Gen Z and future families in the country. Furthermore, the survey will support the development of policy scenario with particular focus on the linkage between GRFP and Youth outmigration from BiH, considering how young people could benefit from GRFP to ensure demographic resilience and encourage their decision to remain in the country.

Scope of work:
Lead Researcher for Survey on Gender Responsive Family Policies with Focus on Youth Perspective

TASK 1: Development of methodology

The Consultant is expected to lead a working group to develop a detailed methodology.

This should include:

A detailed work plan for data collection and analysis, including time frame, clear division of tasks, and expected outcomes. A survey methodology for quantitative data collection Guideline for semi structured interview for focus group discussions A protocol for recruitment of participants (6-8 participants), including sampling methodology, selection criteria for participants, criteria to determine qualitative sample size, and related tools and documents, recruitment questionnaire invitations, consent forms, etc).

TASK 2: Conducting Desk review of existing data, materials and documents related to gender responsive family policies and work-life balance with focus on perspective and needs of young people

The consultant will lead a desk review of all available data on GRPF and HR practices and regulations. The review should provide insight into workplace conditions for Gen Z and families in the country and should contribute to creating recommendations for development of workplaces that effectively support the needs of Gen Z and future families in the country.

The consultant should explore the following data sources:

Official statistics Peer-reviewed research studies Literature, including reports and publications by CSOs, UN and government institutions Policy and legislation that applies to GRPF and young people , inclusive of institutional and governmental programmes and support provided to the target group of this consultancy. This may include programmes for enabling first employment for young people, maternity leave support programmes, tax benefits, etc. Desk review should include at the track record of implementation of existing practices with both private and public companies with focus on enforcement mechanisms News articles Other documents as relevant

The desk review should include a review of the public discourse about related terms such as work life balance, female leadership, Gen Z aspirations and mindset, and perceptions around GRFP and reasons for their uptake and/or lack of uptake.

TASK 3: Conducting the survey and field research

The consultant will lead the working group throughout the process of conducting the field research.

Field research should consist of; An online survey, inclusive of but not limited to 2 public universities, employees of 5 Champions companies born after 1997 Two focus groups with Gen Z representatives from Sarajevo and Banjaluka, aligned to previously developed and agreed methodology.

This task should be delivered in close cooperation with UNFPA CO where UNFPA will provide logistics needed for focus groups.

TASK 4: Data processing and analysis

The researchers will analyze the data collected through qualitative research, according to the agreed methodology. This analysis will be the basis for the preparation of the final report on “Workplaces tailored to future families’ needs in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

TASK 5: Preparation of the final report with recommendations and presentation

The Consultant will lead the working group in delivering the final research report. The report should 1) clarify existing concepts related to gender responsive workplaces, Gen Z aspirations and needs, work life balance, 2) identify perceived problems and obstacles for inclusion into labour market and dignified work conditions and 3) provide recommendations for actionable policies and advocacy in BIH, targeting both private and public sector. The Consultant will on behalf of the working group deliver a draft version to the UNFPA CO BiH report for feedback. The Consultant will incorporate relevant comments by UNFPA CO BiH and deliver the final and revised report. The consultant will agree with UNFPA CO about the way of presenting the report to the main stakeholders.

Duration and working schedule:
The consultant will perform planned tasks during the period from July,10th 2024 until 31st of March, 2025. The payment will be based on and made upon completion of each deliverable as described below.

A detailed working schedule will be agreed upon at the start of the assignment in consultation with UNFPA CO. The plan will be developed with exact dates and preparatory steps necessary for delivering steps as defined in the Work Plan.

TASK 1: Development of methodology (lead researcher 5 days)

TASK 2: Conducting Desk review of existing data, materials and documents related to gender responsive family policies and work-life balance with focus on Youth (lead researcher 3 days)

TASK 3: Conducting the survey and field research (lead researcher 4 days)

TASK 4: Data processing and analysis (lead researcher 10 days)

TASK 5: Preparation of the final report with recommendations and presenting the survey at knowledge-sharing workshop/conference/ meeting as agreed with the UNFPA (lead researcher 10 days)

Total: 32 working days in the period from July 10, 2024 until March 31, 2025.

Place where services are to be delivered:

BiH, various locations

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

Consultant is responsible for delivering the following:

1st Deliverable related to Task 1: Development of Methodology, work plan with all activities and clear division of the tasks, completed by 10th of August ,2024. 2nd Deliverable related to Tasks 2, 3, and 4: Literature review completed, the field research successfully prepared, and implemented and data collected and analysed not later than 20th of October. 3rd deliverable related to Task 5: Provide an electronic final version of the comprehensive report, inclusive of UNFPA revision, by 15th of November, 2024. 4th deliverable related to Task 5:Presenting the survey at workshop/conference/meeting to present the survey as agreed with UNFPA in the period between November 15th, 2024- March 31st 2025.

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The monitoring will be conducted by UNFPA CO in Bosnia and Herzegovina with regular progress updates provided toADA Project Manager.

Regular updates on document development will be ensured through direct exchanges between the consultant and UNFPA ADA Project Manager

Supervisory arrangements:

ADA Project Manager

Expected travel:

Throughout the Federation of BiH

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

Consultant should fulfil the following criteria:

Academic Qualifications:

Advanced university degree, preferably in social sciences,economy, HR or/and Marketing, gender equality, or any other relevant area;

Professional Experience:

At least 10 years of proven experience in economy, business, HR, marketing and/or conducting policy and social science research on gender equality, demographic trends and labour market; Good knowledge of existing gender-responsive family policy framework in BiH,EU and OECD countries; Advance knowledge of research methodology and proven capacity and experience in conducting qualitative research in different settings, development and implementation of research design; Proven analytical skills and report writing, as well as ability for coordination and a group/team work Knowledge of ethics in research and policy development

Other skills:

Ability to communicate clearly and sensitively with internal and external stakeholders Excellent computer skills (especially MS Office) and the ability to use information technology as a tool and resource. Fluency in English and BHS is required.

Functional skills:

Generating, managing and promoting the use of knowledge and information; Providing a technical support system.

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:

UNFPA reserves the right to offer to the selected candidate the rate in accordance with UNFPA consultant rates and UNFPA available budget. Payment for contractor will not exceed average UNFPA rates for national consultants.

Where the contractor fails to deliver the required quality of products, the rate payable will be reduced. UNFPA reserves the right to assess the quality of products. Contractor has an obligation to finalise products/documents to the full UNFPA satisfaction.

UNFPA Work Environment:

UNFPA provides a work environment that reflects the values of gender equality, diversity, integrity and healthy work-life balance. We are committed to ensuring gender parity in the organization and therefore encourage women to apply. Individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community, minority ethnic groups, indigenous populations, persons with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups are highly encouraged to apply. UNFPA promotes equal opportunities in terms of appointment, training, compensation and selection for all regardless of personal characteristics and dimensions of diversity. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is at the heart of UNFPA's workforce - click here to learn more.


Selection and appointment may be subject to background and reference checks, medical clearance, visa issuance and other administrative requirements.

UNFPA does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process and does not concern itself with information on applicants' bank accounts.

Applicants for positions in the international Professional and higher categories, who hold permanent resident status in a country other than their country of nationality, may be required to renounce such status upon their appointment.

To view the complete job description and apply to this position, click \"Apply Now\" below.

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