The Position:
The Programme Specialist Population and Development\noversees project formulation and evaluation, joint programming initiatives and\nnational development frameworks. You will lead the programme team and\ncollaborate with the Country Office's operations and administrative support\nstaff.

You will report to the Assistant Representative.


How you can make a difference:\n\n

UNFPA is the lead UN agency for delivering a world\nwhere every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young\nperson's potential is fulfilled.  UNFPA's strategic plan (2022-2025),\nreaffirms the relevance of the current strategic direction of UNFPA and focuses\non three transformative results: to end preventable maternal deaths; end unmet\nneed for family planning; and end gender-based violence and harmful practices.\nThese results capture our strategic commitments on accelerating progress towards\nrealizing the ICPD and SDGs in the Decade of Action leading up to 2030. Our\nstrategic plan calls upon UN Member States, organizations and individuals to\n\"build forward better\", while addressing the negative impacts of the Covid-19\npandemic on women's and girls' access to sexual and reproductive health and\nreproductive rights, recover lost gains and realize our goals.\n\n

In a world where fundamental human rights are at\nrisk, we need principled and ethical staff, who embody these international\nnorms and standards, and who will defend them courageously and with full\nconviction.\n\n

UNFPA is seeking candidates that transform, inspire\nand deliver high impact and sustained results; we need staff who are\ntransparent, exceptional in how they manage the resources entrusted to them and\nwho commit to deliver excellence in programme results.


Job Purpose:


Working within a Country Office (CO) environment,\nyou will ensure the effective management of UNFPA activities in the areas of\npopulation and development.\n\n

Employing your programme management experience, you\nwill oversee the work of the programme team as well as consultants, advisors,\nand experts. You will establish and maintain laborative relationships with\ncounterparts in government, multi-lateral and bilateral donor agencies and\ncivil society to address emerging issues, and effectively influence diverse\nstakeholders to contribute to achieving UNFPA's mandate.\n\n\n\n\n\n

You would be responsible for:


  • In laboration with Government counterparts, NGOs and other\n partners, overseeing the design and implementation of the country\n programme and its component projects, aligning with Government priorities\n and UNFPA programme policies and procedures. 
    • Overseeing achievement of programme results by ensuring appropriate\n policies are applied and monitoring and oversight mechanisms are\n established and implemented.
      • Reviewing the population dynamics, political, social and economic\n environment relevant to UNFPA programme activities, and pursuing\n opportunities for UNFPA assistance and intervention. 
        • Assessing implications of new policy developments and strategies on\n programme execution, and ensuring their integration.
          • Overseeing project implementation; establishing partnerships with\n executing agencies, experts, government counterparts and other UN agencies\n to facilitate timely and efficient delivery of project s.
            • Ensuring effective knowledge management strategies are implemented,\n capturing lessons learned and best practices for future planning;\n preparing analytical reports on population dynamics; engaging and\n supporting the design and implementation of studies and research on UNFPA\n mandated areas.  .
              • Participating in advocacy and resource mobilization efforts of the\n CO, by ensuring preparation of relevant documentation, for example project\n proposals/summaries, analytical papers, and by participating in related\n meetings and public events.


                Qualifications and Experience: 



                Advanced university degree in population studies,\ndemography, statistics, and/or other related social science discipline.\n\n\n\n\n\n

                Knowledge and Experience: 


This vacancy is archived.

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