Hardship Level (not applicable for home-based)A (least hardship)

Family Type (not applicable for home-based)


Staff Member / Affiliate TypeCONS Local

Target Start Date2024-09-01

Job Posting End DateJuly 22, 2024

Terms of ReferenceTerms of Reference for Individual Contracts
(Individual Contractors, Consultants and Fellows)
(This work assignment description forms an integral part of the individual contract)

1. Requesting Office (hiring entity): UNCHR
2. Project details (or ABOD details):
Title of project: Consulting services for senior legal assistance in the regularization process executed by the Vice-Ministry of Human Mobility.
Purpose of project: To assist, coordinate and advise on each of the activities of the migration regularization project within the framework of the competencies of the Vice-Ministry of Human Mobility and the Undersecretariat of Migration and Consular Services.
Category Name: AWF Individual contract holders - consultant, contractor, fellow
Budget Year: 2024
Project Number: E11291
Task Number: 42081-PECB003108
Expenditure Type: 641040
Expenditure Organization: ECU-XXX-XXX-LCN-01
Budget Year: 2024

3. Duration and dates of the assignment:
From: 01-09-2024 To: 31-12-2024
Work 100% (fulltime) during above-mentioned period: Yes x1 No 0 (if no specify)
Working Hours [check one]: ( x) Applicable ( ) Not Applicable
Total amount of days/weeks/months to be worked: 4 months
4. Location(s) (specify if working from home): Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility in Quito,Ecuador
5. Assignment and/or Mission travel applicable Yes 0 No 1
If yes, specify destination(s) and period(s): TBD
6. Suggested fee (daily/weekly/monthly/lump sum) and currency:
Total budgetary amount allocated for individual contract (incl. travel and DSA etc.): USD 12.000,00 plus Taxes. USD 3.000,00 plus Taxes, USD 3.000,00 plus Taxes.
Payment schedule: monthly

7. General Background of Project or Assignment:
Each of the project activities will be carried out in the Offices of the Undersecretariat of Migratory and Consular Services of the Vice Ministry of Human Mobility, in coordination with the Zonal Directorates and under direct supervision of the Undersecretariat of Migratory and Consular Services and/or the Directorate of Visas and Naturalizations, as defined by the Vice Ministry of Human Mobility.
The activities of the consultant aim to support the design, articulation and implementation of a new migration regularization process for Venezuelan citizens, under the guidelines of the Undersecretariat of Migration and Consular Services and/or the Directorate of Visas and Naturalizations, as defined by the Vice-Ministry of Human Mobility. The consultancy will support in articulations and inter-ministerial coordination with the Ministries of Interior, the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), the Civil Registry and other institutions relevant to the registration and regularization process. The consulting services would include support in the development of secondary regulations regarding two fundamental issues:
• Procedure related to minors unaccompanied in coordination with MIES.
• Secondary regulations necessary for the regularization process in coordination with the entities involved.
8. Occupational Safety and Health Considerations
To view occupational safety and health considerations for specific duty stations, please visit this link: https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel
Specific Occupational Safety and Health Considerations to this assignment (if applicable):

Quito is the Capital of Ecuador, of the Province of Pichincha. It is the most populated city in Ecuador and the city with the largest presence of migrants and refugees in the country. Living conditions in Quito are generally good. There are health services with branches of public and private infrastructure, educational institutions, telephony and Internet available, although there are some remote places where this access may be limited. Public and private land transportation is available nationwide, such as domestic flights connecting the main cities of the Sierra, Coast and Amazon, as well as international flights. Quito is in the Andes, on the equator, in the Sierra region of the country and its elevation is 2,850m. It is estimated a population of 2.8 million people in its metropolitan area. Also, Quito is the political and cultural centre of Ecuador. Most transnational companies have their headquarters in the city.
Quito is known for its culture, its history, and its people. In 1978 Quito was declared as the first World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO. It has one of the best-preserved historic center in the Americas. Also, Quito is the closest capital city to the Equator.
Regarding to Quito’s weather is stable and does not vary during the year. The average afternoon maximum temperature is 21.4 °C and night-time minimum temperature is 9.8 °C. The average temperature is 15.6 °C. Ecuador does only have two seasons, winter and summer.
9. Overall Purpose and Scope of Assignment:
Concise and detailed description of activities, including measurable outputs and delivery dates, impact indicators (what qualitative and quantitative results would be achieved upon completion of individual contract), performance indicators (time lines, value of the service rendered in relation to the cost, timeliness) and work plan:

The work methodology will be defined in direct relation with a technical team constituted by UNHCR and the authorities designated by the Vice Ministry of Human Mobility. The Consultant shall prepare a work plan, a technical proposal containing a timetable and a way to achieve the objectives and proposals on how the reports and systematizations will be presented.
The work proposal should also include the following:
- Periodic follow-up meetings will be held with the technical team during the execution of the service, which will be agreed upon on the basis of the schedule presented by the service consultant. The Consultant shall integrate the recommendations, suggestions and changes requested by the technical team into the products presented.
- The information requirements of the Consultant shall be determined by the technical team.
In addition the consultant shall deliver the following deliverables:
- Report detailing the activities carried out and progress in the final product (migration regularization process for Venezuelan citizens, designed and coordinated between areas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, as well as other Governmental Institutions, to ensure the implementation plan and roadmap).
- Periodic meetings with state entities (external and internal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility) to coordinate the progress of the regularization process, regarding:

• Design of enabling regulations,
• Investigation of requirements and conditions applicable to the population profile of Venezuelan nationals residing in Ecuador,
• Support in the coordination of communication messages and follow-up of citizen consultations made to the counseling area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility,
• Follow-up on donations and contracts made by international cooperation agencies within the framework of the process,
• Articulation with stakeholders as required.

- Other activities required by the Undersecretariat of Migration and Consular Services and/or the Directorate of Visas and Naturalizations, as defined by the Vice Ministry of Human Mobility.
- The performance indicator contractor holders may be related to the following KPI´s: timelines, value of the service rendered in relation to the cost, etc.

10. Required level, qualifications and work experience:
Level of responsibilities required (mark as appropriate) for individual contractors and fellows:
0 Entry Level Support 0 Mid-Level Support 0 Senior Level Support 1 Local Professional Level 0 Junior Level Professional 0 Senior Level Professional
X0 The assignment is for an Individual Consultant
Qualification and experience required (degree required, years of work experience, field of expertise, language required):
2 year relevant work experience with Bachelor or equivalent or higher:
• International Relations
• International Law
• National Law

The Consultant must have extensive knowledge, experience and expertise in inter-institutional coordination, human mobility and procedures for the generation of analysis, proposals and implementation of projects for the foreign population.
Essential, desirable qualifications and required competencies:
• Bilingual English - Spanish; another language is highly desirable.
• Interaction with other people and institutions at a technical level;
• Handling of computer tools Microsoft Office package.
• Ability to work in a team and under stressful conditions.
• Ability to analyze, synthesize and structure information.
• Knowledge of Microsoft Office and use of databases.
• Ability to treat and handle confidential information in a professional manner.

11. Monitoring and Progress Controls (report requirements, periodicity, format, deadlines):
a. The final product (e.g. survey completed, data collected, workshop conducted, research documents produced specify):
Implementation plan and roadmap of migration regularization process for Venezuelan citizens, designed and coordinated between areas of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, as well as other Governmental Institutions.

b. Work on the basis of time employed: Yes 1 No 0

c. If it is to result in a written product specify:
a. Number of pages: minimum 15
b. Language(s): Spanish
c. Number of copies: 2

12. Supervisor of Project/Individual Contract (Name and title): Hugo Dutan - Associate Government Liaison Officer
13. Name, title and signature of Hiring Manager (project owner and/or supervisor):
Name: Magda Medina
Title: Deputy Representative UNCHR Ecuador

14. Authorized by:
Name: Federico Agusti
Title: Representative UNCHR Ecuador

Standard Job Description

Required Languages



Desired Languages



Additional Qualifications




Work Experience

Other informationThis position doesn't require a functional clearance


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